On the Effect of Multimedia and Simulated Environment of Stock Exchange Education on Students Learning
Subject Areas :
Infomartion Technology
Aref Hashemi
Hossein Mahdizadeh
Yassan Allah Poorashraf
Maryam Azizi
1 - M.A. in Educational Technology, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Ilam University, Ilam, Iran
4 - Ph.D. Student of Educational Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
Received: 2014-05-20
Accepted : 2015-06-20
Published : 2014-11-01
stock exchange education,
multimedia training,
foreign exchange (Forex),
simulation-based learning,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the impact of multimedia and simulated environment of training of stock exchange and foreign currency, compared with current methods (lectures, booklets, power point presentation), on students learning at the University of Ilam. The population of the study was undergraduate students in business management, economics and accounting at the University of Ilam. Using random sampling method, 184 of them were chosen as the sample. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the experts. Its reliability based on Cronbach alpha Coefficient was estimated 0.734. The data from the survey were analyzed using Mann Whitney U test and those from the semi-experimental were analyzed by covariance analysis and t-test. The results suggested a significant difference between mean scores of the two groups in that the experimental group was more effective than the control group. In addition, students from the experimental group were more satisfied with the simulated environment and estimated their learning as qualified.
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