Podcast and its Effect on Guidance School Students’ Environmental Awareness
Subject Areas : Infomartion TechnologyHossein Mahdizadeh 1 , Noorieh Omidi 2 , Maryam Azizi 3 * , Maryam Eslampanah 4
1 - Assistant Professor, Ilam University
2 - M.A. Graduated in Educational Technology, Ilam Educational Department
3 - Ph.D. Student of Educational Psychology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
4 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch, Kermanshah
Keywords: Environmental Education, Podcast, Participatory Method, Immediate Learning, Long-Term Learning,
Abstract :
This paper reports part of the findings of a two- group semi-experimental design study with pre and post test, conducted in 2012, that focused on the effect of podcast with participatory method on students immediate and long term environmental learning compared to conventional teaching (lecture and group discussion) method. Two classes from a female school were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Participants in experimental group were asked to design podcast on environmental issues and students in control group were exposed to conventional method of teaching for a period of 8 sessions. The covariance analysis of the data revealed that teaching method had a significant influence on students’ immediate and long-term learning. In fact, the mean score of participants in experimental group was significantly higher than in control group in both immediate and long-term tests. Considering Eta squared coefficient indicates that implementing participatory designing of podcasts in environmental education can account for 31 percent of students’ immediate and 40 percent of their long-term learning.
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