The Effect of Abacus Mental Arithmetic Training on Mathematical Problem Solving Skills of the Primary School Students
Subject Areas :
Higher Education
Mana Bazzazi Lemraski
Ramezan Jahanian
Parisa Irannejad
1 - کارشناس ارشد مدیریت آموزشی، واحد کرج، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، کرج، ایران
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Received: 2016-02-15
Accepted : 2016-08-08
Published : 2016-10-22
abacus mental arithmetic training,
problem solving skills,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of abacus mental arithmetic training of the mathematical problem solving skills in trained and untrained students of elementary school. This research was a descriptive method, causal-comparative. The statistical population in this study was elementary students of sixth grade in district 3 in Karaj. The research samples included 60 trained pupils and 120 untrained pupils. Samples were selected with multi-stage cluster sampling method and using Cochran sampling formula. Data obtained using mathematical problem solving questionnaire and numerical calculating questionnaire on the basis of standardized TIMSS tests and precision and concentration from Wechsler standardized tests. Inferential statistical techniques and SPSS statistical software was used to analysis data. The results showed that the students who had trained abacus mental arithmetic and those who had not trained had significant differences in velocity components in mathematical problem solving, precision and concentration, and numerical calculation. So that trained students had higher scores in mentioned components and was more successful. Findings showed that there were significant differences in cognitive dimension of mathematical problem solving strategies such as under problem strategies, shape drawing, symbol method and easier problem solving method, while there were no significant differences in modeling strategies, pattern making and guesses and experiment.
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Uttal, D. H., Meadow, N. G., Tipton, E., Hand, L. L., Alden, A. R., Warren, C., & Newcombe, N. (2013). The malleability of spatial skills: A meta-analysis of training studies. Psychological Bulletin, 139, 352-402.
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Zakaria, E., & Yusof, N. (2009). Attitudes and problem solving skills in algebra among Malaysian matriculation college students. European Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 232-245.
Abedian, H., & Farhosh, M. (2014). Sixth grade math workbook little mathematician. Tehran: Cultural and Educational Association, Folio. (in Persian).
Bakracevic Vukman, K., & Licardo, M. (2010). How cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and emotional self-regulation influence school performance in adolescence and early adulthood. Educational Studies, 36(3), 259-268.
Bassant, K. C. (1995). Factors associated with type of mathematics in college students. Research in Mathematics Education, 26, 327-345.
Bhaskaran, M., Sengothiyan, A., & Madhu, S. R. (2006). Evaluation of memory in Abacus learners. Indian Journal of Physiology Pharamacol, 50(3), 225-233.
Bruner, J. (1964). The process of education. Vintage Books.
Cole, M. (2007). Phylogeny and cultural history in ontogeny. Journal of Physiology Paris, 101, 236-246.
Diamond, A., & Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4-12 years old. Science, 333, 959-964.
Eskandari, M., & Reyhani, E. (2014). Study design process of problem solving in mathematics education. Theory and Practice in Curriculum, 2(3), 140-117. (in Persian).
Frank, M. C., & Barner, D. (2011). Representing exact number visually using mental abacus. Experimental Psychology: General, 141, 134-149.
Ganieh, R. M. (1999). Learning conditions (Translated by Jafar Najafi, Edited by Ali Akbar S.). Tehran: Press Sighted. (in Persian).
Gathercole, S. E. (1999). Cognitive approaches to the development of short-term memory. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 410-419.
Gersten, R., Jordan, N., & Flojo, J. R. (2005). Early identification and interention for students with mathematics difficulties. Learn Disabilities, 38, 293-304.
Hatano, G., Miyake, Y., & Binks, M. G. (1977). Performance of expert abacus operators. Cognition, 5, 47-55.
Hayashi, T. (2000). What abacus education ought to be for the development of the right brain. Osaka Prefecture University. Retrieved 28 Aug, 2004, from
Kawano, K. (2000). Image thinking of abacus users in higher ranks by a study on brain waves. Nippon Medical School, Center for informatics and Sciences, Japan. Retrieved 28 Aug, 2004, from
Kim, T. S. (2003). 3 modes of abacus-based calculation and their effects on mental arithmetic achievement. Unpublished Master Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Lashkarbluky, G. (2013). Iranian students grow in the mirror, TIMSS 2011. Junior High School Education, 18(8), 33-39. (in Persian).
Lee, Y., Minju, Lu., & Ping, K. H.(2007). Effects of skill training on working memory capacity. Learning and Instruction, 17(3), 336-344.
Millers, K. F., & Stigler, J. W. (1991). Meanings of skill: Effects of abacus expertise on number representation. Cognition and Instruction, 8(1), 29-67.
Nool, R. N. (2012). Effectiveness of an improvised abacus in teaching addition of integers. International Conference on Education and Management Innovation. IPEDR vol.30, IACSIT Press, Singapore.
Paul, I., Alya, H., Omar, K., & Richard, L. (2008). Effects of abacus training on the intelligence of Sudanese children. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(7), 694-696.
Piaget, J. (1969). The developmental psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ramirez, G., Gunderson, E. A., Levine, S. C., & Beilock, S. L. (2013). Math anxiety, working memory, and math achievement in early elementary school. Cognition and Development, 14(2), 187-202.
Ruchi, M., & Ramana, S. (2012). Effect of abacus mental arithmetic program on self-confidence of students in mathematics. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2(12), 344-350.
Samadi, M. (2008). The immediate effect on self-regulation and self-regulation strategy of continuing education and math problem solving. Educational Innovations, 27, 95-79. (in Persian).
Satoshi, T., Keiko, S., Takashi, H., Madoka, H., Sho, K. S., Norihiro, S., Katsumi, W., & Manabu, H. (2012). Abacus in the brain: A longitudinal functional MRI study of a skilled abacus user with a right hemispheric lesion. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 1-13.
Shanthala, B. N. (2011). To study the effect of abacus learning on memory in schoolchildren. Retrieved 28 Sep, 2014 from bitstream/123456789/6995/1/Shanthala%20B%20N.pdf
Sharifi, H. P. (2002). Theory and application intelligence and personality tests (Third Edition). Tehran: Nashre Sokhan.
Stigler, J. W., Chalip, L., & Miller, K. (1986). Consequences of skill: The case of abacus training in Taiwan. American Journal of Education, 447-479
Uttal, D. H., Meadow, N. G., Tipton, E., Hand, L. L., Alden, A. R., Warren, C., & Newcombe, N. (2013). The malleability of spatial skills: A meta-analysis of training studies. Psychological Bulletin, 139, 352-402.
Vygotsky, L. (1978). Mind in society. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Zakaria, E., & Yusof, N. (2009). Attitudes and problem solving skills in algebra among Malaysian matriculation college students. European Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 232-245.