Effectiveness of flipped Classroom on Meta-cognitive Skills and Educational Motivation in Conservatory Students
Subject Areas : Infomartion Technologyzahra vahidi 1 * , kambiz poushaneh 2
1 - Department of Curriculum Planning, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Curriculum Planning, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Metacognitive skills, Educational Motivation, flipped classroom,
Abstract :
AbstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of flipped classroom on meta-cognitive skills and academic motivation of 11th grade students of conservatory. The method of this study was quantitative and quasi-experiment with the experimental group and one control group. The statistical population of this study is all of 11th grade students of conservatory in Isfahan(96-97), which has 11766 students in 427 conservatories. Sampling was done using multi-stage cluster random sampling that Sampling was done from 6 districts of Isfahan city that finally the sample size of the study consisted of two groups: a test group of 30 and a control group of 30.The research tool was a standard metacognitive questionnaire for Khorramdel et al And Hartler's Standard(1980-1981) Higher Education Inventoryquestionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed among a number of students for the formal validity of the questionnaires and the validity and reliability of the questions. After ensuring the results, the questionnaires were distributed in the statistical sample. Also, reliability of questionnaires or their reliability was calculated using Cronbach's alpha method. The Cronbach's alpha for the meta-cognitive correlation scale for adolescents using SPSS software was 0.79 and for Hartre's educational motivation questionnaire.92 is obtained The collected data were analyzed by Mancoa test. The results of data analysis showed that using flippedclassroom methods has a significant effect on metacognitive skills and academic motivation of 11th grade students of conservatory of Isfahan's high schools.