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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of parks and green spaces in city of Tehran (case study)
        Hassan ali Laghai Hooman Bahmanpour Farnaz Heidari
        The significance of urban green spaces –as publicdomain- in modern urban life patterns and their keyrole in land use systems, providing city inhabitantswith a place for leisure time, decreasingenvironmental contamination and establishinga closer relationship betwe More
        The significance of urban green spaces –as publicdomain- in modern urban life patterns and their keyrole in land use systems, providing city inhabitantswith a place for leisure time, decreasingenvironmental contamination and establishinga closer relationship between people and urbanenvironment is distinguished. This paper dealswith the evaluation of parks and green spacesof district 8 in Tehran. The mentioned districtsuffers from shortage of green spaces and parks,although it owns enough resources and land –incomparison with other districts of city. Theoutcome of operated appraisal will be of useto urban managers and designers when theyallocate and utilize resources. In addition, thestudy explains how people use the area. Thispaper is extracted from a survey which wasconducted on the basis of theories about urbanparks, review of corresponding experiences inIran and in the world, and general comparisonbetween the main parks in the district 8 andother districts. Different scales were taken intoaccount when carrying out the appraisal study.The results are presented in two parts: quantitativeand qualitative; they demonstrate the percapita shortage of green spaces in the district 8;moreover, outcomes demonstrate inappropriatedistribution of green spaces and lack of favorableecological function especially in the second halfof the year. Furthermore, the parks do not possesdesirable level of security and on account of thisthe number of people –of different age groupusing the parks has fallen. Deficit in numberand variety of installations and equipment, andsubstandard play grounds are other negativepoints in these sites. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Unsustainability of ecotourism in Khuzestan Province
        Maryam Tahmasbi Kurosh Rezaei-Moghaddam
        Many planners and policy makers have arguedthat tourism is the main branch of sustainabledevelopment. This allocates a great part ofnational income in many countries especiallyin third world. Ecotourism management is vitalelement for growth and development of societyin More
        Many planners and policy makers have arguedthat tourism is the main branch of sustainabledevelopment. This allocates a great part ofnational income in many countries especiallyin third world. Ecotourism management is vitalelement for growth and development of societyin Iran. Diversity of climate, plants and wildlifein Iran is suitable for ecotourism management.Khuzestan province with natural spaces andbeautiful landscapes can absorb foreigner andinner tourists. The findings of this paper indicatethat this industry is confronted with severalproblems and difficulties like weakness ofmanagement and planning, lack of clear rulesand financial credits, insufficient training ofstaff and experts and lack of participation oflocal people. The findings show unsustainabilityand degradation of rural ecotourism in Khuzestanprovince. The paper has provided some recommendationsfor sustainable development of ecotourismin Khuzestan. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Planning and zonning for Harra biosphere reserve according to international scales (with emphasis on Qeshm island) using GIS
        Hassan ali Laghai Masoud Monavari Bashir Raisi
        As the aim of this research was optimum use offield area ,along with goals of biosphere reservestatutory frame work, the ecological and socioeconomicalinformation sources, and systematicanalysis method, and GIS technology were usedto zone the area. Since the area lack s More
        As the aim of this research was optimum use offield area ,along with goals of biosphere reservestatutory frame work, the ecological and socioeconomicalinformation sources, and systematicanalysis method, and GIS technology were usedto zone the area. Since the area lack specifictopographic changes and other noticeable factors,gradient, altitude, direction and also unifiedtopographic map which were usually used in theassessment of ecological capacity of terrestrialecosystem have not been used in this study. Andinstead, biological and socio-economical factorsand three functional roles of biosphere reserves(conservation, development and logistic) anddefinition related to each zone has been considered.Finnally, it was selected three core zone, onesurrunding buffer zone and two transition zoneswhich there have been delineated 28983 ha oftotal surface area of Harra biosphere reserve ascore zone, 50156 ha as buffer zone, and 7694 ha astransition zone. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Environmental impact assessment guideline for rail way transportation projects
        Majid Abbaspour Abdoreza Karbassi Mohammad Sadegh Sekhavatjou Mohsen Saeedi Fateme Zahed
        In the recent years, different countries haveapproved some short time, medium time and longtime plans to achieve development in all sectorssuch as transportation sector. These plans aredetermined by expert groups in each sectoraccording to quality and quantity indexes a More
        In the recent years, different countries haveapproved some short time, medium time and longtime plans to achieve development in all sectorssuch as transportation sector. These plans aredetermined by expert groups in each sectoraccording to quality and quantity indexes and theseare utilized as country’s development document.Generally, some of the plans and strategies havespecial importance for transportation ministry suchas rail way transportation development, roadnetwork development, renovation of transportationfleet and comprehensive study plan of countrytransportation. As regards that any developmenthas environmental impact, therefore environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) of each plan speciallytransportation one that is the target of this study,is necessary due to prevention of harmful effectsand presenting mitigation plans for environment.This study has been done to conduct administrativeand consultants of rail way plans, so determinationof all actions in construction and operationalphases is necessary. Also it is very important todetermine main parameters about physical,biological and socio-economical environment.According to all of above implementations theimpacts of rail ways project on different environmentinvolving air, water, sound, soil, plant and animalwill be determined and in next step mitigationplans and environmental monitoring program willbe prepared. Finally environmental impact assessmentguideline is developed for consultants andadministrative involving 12 subjects.impacts of rail ways project on differentenvironment involving air, water, sound, soil,plant and animal will be determined and innext step mitigation plans and environmentalmonitoring program will be prepared. Finallyenvironmental impact assessment guideline isdeveloped for consultants and administrativeinvolving 12 subjects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Environmental management and planning in the aspect of fourth developing national master plan
        naser moharam nejad Samira Khadivi
        The planning for resource management to achieve desirable development is one of today’s most important economical, environmental and social affairs. During such planning any lack attention to natural reserves, wildlife settlement and cultural heritage that is for More
        The planning for resource management to achieve desirable development is one of today’s most important economical, environmental and social affairs. During such planning any lack attention to natural reserves, wildlife settlement and cultural heritage that is for all society and next generations, will become extinct. For these reasons, establishing necessary scheme for establishing the balance between the national conservation and today’s requirements is one of the most important duty of responsible, specially the government and the parliament. To Setting the sustainable development in country, needs codifying law and enforcing it. Scheduling laws determine the frameworks and multilateral development ordered system of country that is the basis of accepted general policy and strategies.    With considering the fourth development plan’s law and comparing those with the last plan’s laws it can say that the care on the ecosystem is growth. In fact, the fourth development plan’s laws directed sustainable development achievement in country and following the fiftieth article of law, is trying to adapt the procedure of developing specially economic and industrial with the ecosystem necessaries, in order to prevent unsustainable development.    In fourth development master plan, one of the sixth foundations is environment preservation, logistic territory and regional equilibrium. Fifteen articles of 161 articles of fourth development plan are for environment preservation and in 14 of other is the necessity of environment preservation which has taken into consideration. The settled procedure shows the movement on a comparatively successful way on connecting environment considerations by developing plan to reach stable development. The success of these, are based on the enforcing of the codified laws completely and thoroughly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Environment reporting and business strategy
        Esmaeel Ghafari
        Environmental accounting has been recentlydeveloped as one of sub-divisions of accounting.Due to growth of society concentration onenvironmental issues, accounting takes essentialroles on performance measurement. Being awareof environment condition leads a business unit More
        Environmental accounting has been recentlydeveloped as one of sub-divisions of accounting.Due to growth of society concentration onenvironmental issues, accounting takes essentialroles on performance measurement. Being awareof environment condition leads a business unit toactive environmental performance.In this article, the author pays attention to integrityof environmental methods with business methodsand avoids investigating the way of dealing withenvironmental accounting in financial accountingstandards. He also considers intra-organization andextra-organization impacts which cause reductionof operation and investment expenses of pollutioncontrolling equipments and determining capitalinvestment evaluation from one side, and causeregulation codification by governments andtaxation results from other side, via examiningbusiness strategy including programs, takingmanagement delicate decisions, supporting andtraining.Taking environmental issues into considerationin last years, has been extended into standardcodification field too; standards of AmericanGovernmental Accounting Standard CodificationBoard and IFAC guides are obvious examples ofit.The following topics will be discussed in thearticle:1- environmental elements of business strategy2- providing essential performance report3- identifying required multifunctional measuringskills4- Collecting and analyzing required data. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Greening the Rooftop; One step towards microclimatic amelioration and tourism attraction in Sustainable city
        Marjan Khanzadeh Natanzi
        AbstractToday, thinkers and environment and urbandesigners are concerned about the inevitablegrowth of metropolises trying to propose somemethods to moderate its effects. This has resultedin some patterns that reduce its disturbing effectsalong with improving the qualit More
        AbstractToday, thinkers and environment and urbandesigners are concerned about the inevitablegrowth of metropolises trying to propose somemethods to moderate its effects. This has resultedin some patterns that reduce its disturbing effectsalong with improving the quality of life in thesecities.Mankind is aware of the value of the sustained spacesand is trying to answer his needs, holding permanenthorizons in view. These efforts resulted in patterns ofsustained metropolises, a steady and dense city.But this human achievement is not, like his otherachievements, without a consequence. Research showsthat increase in the density of the city disturbs thebalance in the illumination of the city spaces in additionto damaging the heat transfer between the earth, buildingsand the atmosphere. It also affects the internalheat of the city, increases the temperature andinfluences the velocity of the wind. In anotherview, higher density means a decreased opportunityfor building green spaces resulting in ademolished desirability of the spaces. It alsoresults in crowdedness and brings about airpollution.As flat planes that occupy a large share in such densecities, roofs are of great importance to us. Good effectsof green patterns on improving the climatic conditionslike moderating undesirable consequences of densecities decrease of heat and sun waves, the velocity ofthe wind and pollution posits a good potential in plans.Bruce’s non-hydrostatic model is used in this researchto simulate a site in three conditions of its current state,increase in density and greening the roofs. Theneffects of rooftop greening especially on air temperatureand wind velocity are studied. Finally a comparison ismade between the results of this research and otherresearches done in this field t achieve a broader insightinto how greening the roofs may affect low-scaleenvironmental conditions specially in dense citiesby using plants in higher scales. There is also adiscussion about other benefits of this approach toshow its value in architectural and urban projects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Improving citizen's health and well-being through urban landscape design
        Mohammad Bagheri Hamid Reza Azemati
        Current urbanization and settlement trends haveadverse psycho-physical impact on the safety,health and well-being of the city dwellers. Crime,lack of community, lack of physical activity anddependence on motorized transportation serve asexamples of urban ills. Sustainab More
        Current urbanization and settlement trends haveadverse psycho-physical impact on the safety,health and well-being of the city dwellers. Crime,lack of community, lack of physical activity anddependence on motorized transportation serve asexamples of urban ills. Sustainable design strategiesin urban neighborhoods and open spaces can havesignificant contribution to human physical healthand psychological well-being. The sustainable urbandesign agenda and design criteria such as green andquality open spaces, pedestrian areas, creating denseneighborhoods with mix land uses and infilldevelopment projects in derelict and lost spaces,decreasing dependence on motorized transportwith public services such as community schoolsand developing local public transport are of themain strategies that can addressed the varioushealth and well-being contributions of differenturban habitats.  Manuscript profile