Environmental impact assessment guideline for rail way transportation projects
Subject Areas : Water and EnvironmentMajid Abbaspour 1 , Abdoreza Karbassi 2 , Mohammad Sadegh Sekhavatjou 3 , Mohsen Saeedi 4 , Fateme Zahed 5 *
1 - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
2 - , Faculty of Environment, Tehran University
3 - Ahvaz Sciences and Resaerch Branch, Islamic Azad University
4 - Department of Civil, Engineering University of Science and Technology
5 - Research Institute of Ministry of Road Transport and Logistics
Keywords: Environmental Impact Assessmen, Mitigation plans, Environmental monitoring, Rail way transportation,
Abstract :
In the recent years, different countries haveapproved some short time, medium time and longtime plans to achieve development in all sectorssuch as transportation sector. These plans aredetermined by expert groups in each sectoraccording to quality and quantity indexes and theseare utilized as country’s development document.Generally, some of the plans and strategies havespecial importance for transportation ministry suchas rail way transportation development, roadnetwork development, renovation of transportationfleet and comprehensive study plan of countrytransportation. As regards that any developmenthas environmental impact, therefore environmentalimpact assessment (EIA) of each plan speciallytransportation one that is the target of this study,is necessary due to prevention of harmful effectsand presenting mitigation plans for environment.This study has been done to conduct administrativeand consultants of rail way plans, so determinationof all actions in construction and operationalphases is necessary. Also it is very important todetermine main parameters about physical,biological and socio-economical environment.According to all of above implementations theimpacts of rail ways project on different environmentinvolving air, water, sound, soil, plant and animalwill be determined and in next step mitigationplans and environmental monitoring program willbe prepared. Finally environmental impact assessmentguideline is developed for consultants andadministrative involving 12 subjects.impacts of rail ways project on differentenvironment involving air, water, sound, soil,plant and animal will be determined and innext step mitigation plans and environmentalmonitoring program will be prepared. Finallyenvironmental impact assessment guideline isdeveloped for consultants and administrativeinvolving 12 subjects.
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