Earthquake vulnerability Zonation in Ilam city
Subject Areas :
Syed Jahangir Musavi Nasab
Abbas malekhoseini
Majid Shams
1 - Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Malayer, Iran
2 - Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
3 - Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
Keywords: natural hazards, crisis management, Ilam City, Vulnerability Zonation,
Abstract :
the current research with a descriptive-analytical approach is aimed at zoning the vulnerability of Ilam city against earthquakes.In this research, at first, the variables affecting the zoning of earthquake vulnerability were identified based on various studies, then using the AHP method and the opinions of 73 experts and weight experts related to each of the variables in the Export Choice environment, and finally, using the FAHP method and in the GIS environment, a map related to the zoning of Ilam city's vulnerability to earthquake risk was drawn. Based on this, at first 10 variables: slope of land, distance from fault, number of building floors, age of building, quality of building, area of parts, durability of construction materials, distance from roads, distance from medical centers and distance from green and open space were identified as influencing variables, based on the AHP method; 3 variables, the distance from the fault, the slope of the area and the distance from the roads were identified as the most important and effective variables with weights of 0.184, 0.147 and 0.121 respectively. Also, the results related to the zoning status of the vulnerability of Ilam city against earthquakes indicate that more than 600 hectares of the area of Ilam city are in a high and very high vulnerability state in the event of an earthquake. Also, 580 hectares of Ilam city are in a low and very low vulnerability state. Finally, 299 hectares of Ilam city is in a medium vulnerability state