Evaluation of the satisfaction of suburban citizens of Tabriz from the performance of municipality and city council during the past three terms (1999-2013)
Subject Areas :
علی آذر
افسانه رحیمی اسکلو
1 - عضو هیات علمی گروه شهرسازی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
2 - فارغ التحصیل برنامه ریزی شهری
Received: 2017-01-16
Accepted : 2017-05-28
Published : 2017-07-23
Tabriz City,
squtter Area,
city Islamic council,
Abstract :
Nowadays, over 30 percent of population in metropolitans consists of suburbans. The fast evolution from ruralism into urbanization, in particular following land reform led to emergence of suburb neighborhoods around the cities. The present research tries to review the achievement and non-achievement of empowerment policies of municipality and city Islamic council of Tabriz in 3 past periods.This research is of development-applies type and conducted by analytical-descriptive method, and two documental and surveying methods were used to collect required data. To gather the statistic and data, the enactments of 3 past periods of Tabriz Islamic council and also questionnaire were utilized. one questionnaire was compiled and 384 persons of suburbanites of Tabriz were selected as statistical sample and the questionnaire were distributed among them. Based on uni-sample T-test, the average satisfaction of Tabriz suburbanites from function of city council is 2.7 that in comparison with standard average (I<5, median 3) is low value. Also, among the reviewed components about the function of Tabriz municipality in fulfillment of approved plans of city council, the highest satisfaction of suburbanite is related to the function of municipality in amendment of approach condition of passageways available resource toward living improvement. Based on uni-sample T-test, the average satisfaction of Tabriz suburbanites from the function of municipality is 2.98 which is low in contrast with standard average (I<5, median 3). The results show that, in view of Tabriz suburbanites, the empowerment policies of given neighborhoods by the Tabriz municipality and city council hasn’t been satisfactory. .
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