Examining the conceptual model of the role of belonging to school in the relationship between school culture and mental health of elementary school students
Subject Areas :Sirous Haddadnia 1 * , zeynab mirtatalebian 2
1 -
2 - Master's student in Department of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani branch, Nourabad Mamasani, Iran
Keywords: school culture, belonging to school, mental health.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to model the role of belonging to the school in the relationship between school culture and mental health of elementary school students in Kazeron city. This research was applied in terms of purpose, descriptive-correlative in terms of nature and method, and cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population in this study is all the elementary school students of Kazerun city (3500 people) and using the Morgan-Karjesi table, the number of the statistical sample was considered to be about 246 people and the sampling method was stratified random. In this study, the standard questionnaires of Mouton et al.'s school belonging (1993), Keys' mental health (2002) and Grunert and Valentine's (1999) school culture were used. The content validity of all three questionnaires has been confirmed by the experts, and its reliability was determined after a trial run among 30 students by calculating Cronbach's alpha for three questionnaires, respectively 0.84, 0.89 and 0.87. In order to answer the research questions, Pearson's correlation tests and path analysis and SPSS and Amoos software were used. The results of Pearson's correlation test showed that school culture and belonging to school had a significant relationship with students' mental health. Also; A significant relationship has been established between school culture and belonging to school. The results of the path analysis have shown that belonging to the school had a mediating role in the relationship between school culture and students' mental health.
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