Pathology and providing solutions for conscious exposure Using music in school education (Substitute musical education for teaching with music)
Subject Areas :
zahra rabbani
علیرضا امینی زرین
مونا شجاع
1 - -
2 - دانشکده رفاه
3 - بنیاد فرهنگی رفاه
Keywords: music, musical education, pathology, school, family,
Abstract :
Considering the nature and effects of music and the discussion about its use in education, the present research has been compiled with the aim of cautiously confronting the use of music in the education of children, especially elementary school students, and discovering its possible harm. For this purpose, a qualitative research with an inductive approach and based on the foundation data method is in accordance with the systematic approach of Strauss and Corbin. Therefore, while examining the opinions of experts and reliable sources using the foundation's data method with a systematic approach, using the opinions of 30 relevant experts who were selected in a targeted manner and a semi-structured interview was conducted with them. Data analysis was done in three stages of open coding, central coding and selective coding. The reliability and validity of the data is confirmed by the two methods of reviewing the participants and the review of non-participating experts in the research, and the results show that the educational and educational environment in education with the benefit of music in schools is also effective with regard to limitations. . However, the use of music in education can bring five harms in the form of axes related to students, environment, media, culture and knowledge.
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