• Faghiharam.Batoul Investigating the components of a multicultural curriculum and determining its dimensions and indicators (A case study of the senior secondary schools in Tabriz) [ Vol.17, Issue 69 - Winter Year 1400]
  • fahandezh saadi.pari Content analysis of the sixth grade social studies textbook based on the social skills component [ Vol.17, Issue 71 - Summer Year 1401]
  • fakher.ghadir Conceptual framework of entrepreneurship clinic with a focus on non-formal education [ Vol.17, Issue 69 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Farahbakhsh.Kiomars Investigate the consequences of young tendency toward the have multiple relationships whit different sexes [ Vol.17, Issue 69 - Winter Year 1400]
  • Farzadi.Fatemeh The effect of supporting autonomy on academic stress: the mediating role of self-regulated learning and mastery goal orientation [ Vol.17, Issue 70 - Spring Year 1401]
  • Foroozandeh.Elham Predicting the academic achievement of students with academic procrastination in Isfahan high school based on personality types and time perspective [ Vol.17, Issue 69 - Winter Year 1400]
  • foroughi.elnaz The effectiveness of modular cognitive behavior therapy (MCBT) on tolerance of uncertainty, loneliness and risky behavior in martyr students [ Vol.17, Issue 70 - Spring Year 1401]