The ethical policy of the Journal of Economic Modeling is based on the principles of international Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Ethical Standards of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, through which, the editor, editorial board members, authors, reviewers and readers are required and committed to fully comply with. Details of these principles are available at The summary of these principles for all groups of the editors, judges and authors is as follows.
Responsibilities and Duties of Editors
The editors should:
- Accept the responsibility of accepting or rejecting the manuscripts sent to this journal.
- Follow the principle of double-blind, peer-reviewed process.
- Be sure of the quality of published articles.
- Identify possible plagiarism, fraud and scams and provide corrections, explanations, retractions and apologies, if needed.
- Not disclose the information to the people other than the authors and reviewers. The confidentiality and protection of the authors' information is mandatory for those who have access to the personal information of the authors as the editors, editorial board members, internal manager, executive director and publisher.
- Be committed to make fair, scientific and unbiased decisions, regardless of the race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, etc.
- Not use unpublished information for private purposes.
- Prevent the conflicts of interests.
Duties and responsibilities of Peer Reviewers
The Peer Reviewers should:
- Help the editors in content and scientific review of the manuscripts.
- Inform the result of the review to the editor of journal, as soon as possible. This result includes: 1. Non-reviewing the manuscript due to the mismatch of the subject of the manuscript in the field of reviewer's expertise or the lack of time 2. Reviewing the manuscripts according to the schedule defined by the journal.
- Consider all the data and information of the manuscript available to them, in all stages of the review process, as confidential.
- Express the review of the manuscript only based on technical and expert arguments and present their views away from the issues of gender, nationality, political beliefs, race, religion and the like.
- Use appropriate and competent literature to express opinions and criticisms and avoid using offensive words, sentences and written violence.
- Conduct arbitration away from the relationships and interests of specific individuals, companies and institutions.
- Declare incompatibility and conflict of interest and prevent it to happen.
- Avoid accepting that manuscript if they do not have the possibility of impartial review.
- Refrain from reviewing, if contributed and played a role in the preparing and writing of the manuscript of the research,.
- Inform the journal immediately, in case finding out the disability during the reviewing process of all or part of the manuscript.
- Never leave the review of the paper to someone else.
- Avoid contacting with the authors of the manuscript.
- Offer to cite their own papers only with the aim of improving the quality of the manuscript and not to increase the number of citations.
- Read the review report of other reviewers carefully, in order to understand and make the right decision about the manuscript.
- Be responsive, if the journal needs to be contacted about the review report.
Authors Ethical Consideration
Rules that authors should follow:
- Submitted manuscripts should not be published somewhere else or be in the review process of another press at the same time.
- Corresponding author should be sure of the satisfaction of other colleagues and submitted manuscript should be approved by all the authors of the manuscript.
- If submitted manuscript is derived from projects, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the permission of the sponsoring institution of the work.
- Authors give permission the journal to edit the text of the manuscript in case of final acceptance of the manuscript to improve the text and readability.
- Ethical commitment and copyright form must be approved, signed and uploaded in the journal system by the authors during the submission of the manuscript.
- Due to the fact that this journal follows the rules of open access, the authors of the manuscript allow the public to download the article and use it according to scientific principles and citation rules.
- All authors of the manuscript understand and agree that the author is responsible for correspondence, review processes, and final approval before press.
- All authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript.
- If the author(s) notices an important mistake in the manuscript, they should immediately inform the publication to correct it.
- Due to the fact that plagiarism is considered a serious and unethical error, all authors should be aware that the manuscripts sent to this journal will be evaluated and monitored through the similarity detection system.
- The author(s) should not use fake data and information in the manuscript.
- Authors must cite all sources used in the text (published or unpublished) with honesty and trustworthiness.
- In submitted manuscript, no discrimination should be reflected on the race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, gender, religion, language, national, and other similar issues. If revealed at any stage, the manuscript will be removed from the journal's reviewing process and press.
Some examples of plagiarism
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism means the intentional use of another person's works and ideas in one's own name. Even using a sentence from another person without mentioning the source is plagiarism. The use of ideas, words, terms, quotes, sentences, diagrams, tables, figures and images without accurate and correct reference to the original text is an obvious example of plagiarism. These main sources may be the articles of the journals, thesis, speech, PowerPoint text, educational resources, audio and video files, media, newspapers and other sources. These resources may have a paper or electronic version. Behavioral procedure of this journal to the plagiarism is the same, regardless of the type of source and plagiarism. Based on this, all manuscripts sent to this journal are evaluated and monitored by plagiarism and similarity detection software.
- Data generation: Data generation means that the researcher presents the data and results without conducting a study.
- Distortion: It means that a research has been done, but the researcher changes the data and results according to his wishes.
- Simultaneous submission: when a manuscript is submitted simultaneously to more than one publication.
- Submission of two copies: if two or more manuscripts have the same hypotheses, data and results.
- Improper contribution of another author: an author who did not participate in the preparation of the manuscript, but whose name is other than the authors of the manuscript.
- Manipulation of sources: a source should be written in the list of sources of the manuscript, but it should not be cited in the content of the text of the manuscript.
Implications of plagiarism for the authors
This journal examines plagiarism carefully and deals with it at every stage. In case of this event, after evaluation, the journal will proceed as follows, if it is knowingly and deliberately detected:
- It will be announced to the author.
- All authors' workplaces are notified.
- The article will be removed from the journal's website and public information will be
- All authors are blacklisted in the journal. Their manuscripts will not be accepted for publication.
Authors should note that this press uses similarity search software to monitor manuscripts. To review and press the manuscript and in case of final acceptance, the percentage of similarity is less than 20 percent.