Legal analysis of police traps and traps in the detection of economic crimes
Subject Areas : Recent Developments in public law
Mohammad Pirani
Asghar Abbasi
Ali Ghorbani
1 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
2 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
3 - Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran.
Keywords: sting operations, economic crimes, Traps, Crime Detection, Snares,
Abstract :
Background and purpose: Economic crimes are one of the most important issues in our world, which are committed in the context of today's life due to the abuse of intelligence and talent. In these crimes, where trickery and concealment have played a significant role, the discovery of the crime is a very difficult and dangerous matter, therefore, the use of traps and police traps can be an important way to discover this category of crimes. But not knowing the pitfalls and traps can waste law enforcement resources and cause the economy of covert operations to fail. This article aims to answer the question that what are the most important police traps and traps in economic crimes and how can these traps and traps prevent the budget from being wasted in such secret operations.Methodology: This article is descriptive-analytical and has investigated and analyzed the above-mentioned question using the library and survey method.Findings and results: This article, while explaining the types of pitfalls and traps in the two economic crimes of money laundering and bribery, can on the one hand guide the police, designers and operators of covert operations in the implementation of a covert operation in a way that causes No wastage of resources to apply the law and on the other hand, to provide more trust of the people to the police and judicial system.
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