Analyzing Speech act of Main four character of Kalila and Dimna’s Lion and Ox Chapter Based on Robert Plutchik's Theory
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsMahdi Tahari Asl 1 , Alireza Nabiloo 2 *
1 - PhD student in Persian language and literature, Qom University, Qom, Iran
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Qom University, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: کلیله و دمنه, کنش های گفتاری, Speech Act, Pragmatism, Kalila and Dimna, کاربرد شناسی, نظریۀ هیجانی, پلاچیک, Plutchik's emotional wheel,
Abstract :
Pragmatism is subfield of linguistic which studies the implied meaning and the hidden intentions. Speech act is one of the main pragmatic theories that impacts on the both philosophy and literature.In the same line, speech act can be interpreted based on the useful theories.So, Authors suggest Plutchik's theory to do the exact interpret of speech acts. He considered there to be eight primary emotions—anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise, anticipation, trust, and joy. This article poses the relation between speech act and its characters emotions.The largest chapter Kalia and Dimna is Lion and Ox whose number of dialogues are striking. Explaining the history of pragmatic and speech act, Authors analyze the main four characters dialogues based on Plutchik's.The results show that in spite of high frequency of the directive and representative speech act,the different emotions are transmitted from Abulmaa'li to reader.Thus,while starting in hope and continues in prudishness, Dimna’s speech acts is finished with anger. Also,As Kalila's speech acts are started in caution ، his emotions continued in expectancy and finished with sorrow. Moreover, triggered with fear, lion's speech acts are continued with anger and gets finished with guilt. Finally,Ox's speech acts are started with fear and continued with submission and finished with fatalism.
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