Critique and elaboration of the principles of socialist realism in the poetry of Jaleh Ghaem Maghami and Nazok al-Malaeka
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsmaryam beyk 1 , Hadi Heydariania 2 * , Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh 3
1 - PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran.
Keywords: Women, زنان, نازک الملائکه, ژاله قائممقامی, Jaleh Ghaem Maghami, رمانتیسم جامعهگرا, نابرابریهای اجتماعی, Socialist Romanticism, Nazok al- Malaeka, Social Inequalities,
Abstract :
One of the most popular contemporary literary schools is the school of Romanticism, which first dealt with personal issues; But because of the unfavorable political and social situation, it gradually shifted from an individualistic to a socialist state and took on a socialist state. Although the emergence of the school of Romanticism in Persian and Arabic literature does not have much in common; But there are many similarities between the followers of this literary school in Persian and Arabic. Nazak-ul-Malaika and Jaleh Ghaem-e Maghami are among the poets whose poems have such a character. There are similarities in the theme and style of their poetry, showing that the poems have been influenced by the poetry of the European Romantic period in terms of content, format and language. The present article seeks to analyze and explain the principles of socialist romanticism in descriptive-analytical method in the poems of Jaleh Ghaem Maghami and Nazak-ol-Angels. Poverty, the decline of society, women and issues around it, idealism and idealism have been studied in the poetry of these two poets. The author seeks to answer these questions: What are the most important issues raised in the poems of these two poets? And what are the similarities between these two poets?
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