Introducing and reviewing the Sahife-ye-Shahi manuscript
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
jalal dehghani
ahmad zakeri
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, , Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch,karaj,Iran.
2 - Associate Professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, Islamic Azad University , Karaj Branch,karaj,Iran
Keywords: عصر تیموری, منشآت, نسخۀ خطّی, Notes, ملّا حسین واعظ کاشفی سبزواری, صحیفۀ شاهی(تقویم المکاتیب), Mullah Husain VaezKashefiSabzevari, Sahife- Shahi (Taghvim-al-Makatib), handwritten scripts, Teymuri era,
Abstract :
Noting and writing letters are of the routine manners in the history of Persian literature, and it’s the general title for works, and books which involve rules, orders, friendly letters, responses, kings’ charters, Promissory note, treaties, victory or defeat memories. Teymuriera, is one of the splendid and rich eras for writing notes. Writing notes and letters, in this era, is a touchstone to trade off the speech and writers’’ motives. Note of Sahife- Shahi (royal notebook) or Taghvim-al-Makatib( the calendar of letters) is one of the Notes in Teymuri era, which was written by Mullah Husain VaezKashefiSabzevari, writer and secretary at the royal court of Sultan Husain Baighara, and the author of some books such as Javaher-al-Tafsir, Anwar-e- Soheili, Rozah-al-Shohada, etc. the handwritten scripts of this book exist in Islamic Parliament’s library, central library of university of Tehran, Melek library and some other libraries. As the historical and literature importance of the book of Sahife-Shahi, this paper tries to revive one of the Persian historical and literature heritages, besides providing an introduction of Notes’ history and handwritten scripts in a descriptive-analytical manner
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