Time management principles and pathology of the Court Etesami
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textshaniyeh taherlou 1 , Kamran Pashayi Faghri 2 * , Parvane Adelzade 3
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, , Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch,Tabriz,Iran.
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, Islamic Azad University , Tabriz Branch, Tabriz,Iran
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letterse and Humanities, Islamic Azad University , Tabriz Branch, Tabriz,Iran.
Keywords: زمان, Time, اصول مدیریت, بهینه سازی زمان, آسیب شناسی زمان, دیوان اعتصامی, Principles of Management, Time Optimization, Time Pathology, Supreme Court,
Abstract :
The problem of the constant time of mind and heart, present and absent, has occupied man himself yesterday and today. It is a fact that is linked to human beings, and man always finds himself in the vein, as if a man is captive of time and has no way to get out of this captivity. The enjoyment of life and success are among the fundamental goals of humans. One of the most important steps in this direction is to master the time and correct management of it. In this perspective, individuals are advised to set goals, prioritize goals, to make decisions and to plan proper operations, and to keep them from looseness, rush, and any actions that threaten timely and proper work. Parvin points out in this study a reflection of the time and value of time that expresses the existential value of being, and the findings point out that in beliefs, humans progress to perfection until the principle, by passing the time offsets (wasting time) They go through. The result is that someone knows the value of time is worth living. What is retrieved and investigated in this article is the optimal method of time and damaging factors in the Parvin tribunal, which emphasizes the meaning of the poems of Parvin on the transitory life and span of momentum and living, and the importance of this issue and the necessity of its review. is showing. Research has been done by exploring written literature with a descriptive research method.
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