Investigating the Concept of Power in the Letters of Forough-al-Dawlah the daughter of Naser-al-Din Shah Qajar, relying on the power theory of Michel Foucault
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Masumeh Shahsavari
Fatemeh Heydari
1 - PhD Student in Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran. Masumeh
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Women, زنان, قدرت, Power, Qajar Era, Letters, میشل فوکو, Michel Foucault, دورۀ قاجار, نامه ها, فروغ الدوله, Forough Dawlah,
Abstract :
Studies show that the lives of women throughout history have been constantly ups and downs and in the face of injustice and contempt.With regard to men's writing in Persian history and literature, less information can be obtained about the personality traits and cognitive identity of women.Their presence in the political, social, and political spheres of the Qajar period, and those that have gone away from time to time, is important for achieving this recognition.Among these works, letters are worth more because of the facts of life.This research has been aimed at analyzing these letters, the extent and manner of exercising the power of women in the courtroom.The research method in this paper is based on analysing of Forough Dawlah's letters, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar's daughter, and their compliance with the statements of power of nineteenth-century theorist Michel Foucault.The result obtained indicates that Despite the increasing awareness and increasing the presence of women in the community, they have not been able to respond to the demands of self-restraint without the support and support of men, and in the context of the distribution of power, they have been subordinate to the lower.
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