The Analysis and Study of the Books and Monographs of “ Adab-ol-Moridin” up to theThirteen Centrury AH
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsNaser Ahmadzadeh 1 , Mohammad Yosof Nayyeri 2 * , Najaf Jokar 3 , Zarintaj Varedi 4
1 - PhD student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
2 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
3 - Professor of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Keywords: practical and theoretical teachings of Sufism, Adab al Moridin, Mystical literature, religious and mystical teachings, comparison of conduct methods,
Abstract :
The linkage among Persian literature and Islamic mysticism is so high that conducting any research in the most of literary works will be cumbersome in the absence of perception and understanding of Islamic mysticism. Carrying on leading research and studies on mysticism owns a more focal necessity and importance specially in the field of mystic literature. "Adab al Moridin" or "Handbook of Disciples" is one of the written measures of mystical literature in the field of spiritual instructing and training of disciples and trainees in Tarighat (religious mysticism). This research is aimed at introducing these lesser known and observed resources. After finding, listing and academic reviewing of the same mystical handbooks and considering the absence of specific and significant record about the aforementioned "Adab al Moridin"s and shortage of resources we decided to examine and sctutinise the handbooks of mystical instructions Through recruiting and analysing existing" Adab al Moridin"s until the 13th century, the present research has led to the instructional methods of the Tarighat. It should be reminded that this research has not intended to enter into the creeds and foundations of Sufi thought and has sufficiently tried to examine the mores and manners of the disciples.
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Collins ,A. J .S. Brown, Newman (1989) Cognitive Apprenticeship; teaching the crafts of reading, writing and mathematics. In Knowing learning, and instruction, essays, in honor of Robert, Glaser ,ed. B.L. Resnick, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Gokilgin.m. Tayyeb (1973) islamtetkikeri enstitusu dergisi Istanbul universitisi edebiat fakultesi yayainlari.
Pressley M.C .B. with McCormick (1995) Advanced Educational Psychology for Educators” Researches and Policymakers.