Narratology of “Symphony of the Dead” by Abbas Maroufi based on “Simpsons” theory
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature texts
Samaneh Pasban Vatan
Fateme Heydari
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran.
Keywords: Simpson, The Symphony of the Dead, modality, Narratology, Abbas Maroufi,
Abstract :
This research tries to examine the narrative viewpoint in Abbas Maroufi's novel entitled "Symphony of the Dead" in an analytical-descriptive way. This study is based on the model proposed by Simpson in 1993. It takes place in which the narrative and the narrative viewpoint are examined in a systematic and methodical way. First, we try to find out what kind of narrator is in this story based on Simpson's model, and then we examine whether the modality of the story is positive, negative or neutral. By studying this research, we find that the narrator is changing between the first person and the third person, each of which has had an effect on the advancement of the narration. The dominant modality in the story,based on Simpson's categorization is Positive, Which illustrates the commitment and self confidence of the narrator about the story's adventures and his decisive view about ignorance and prejudice in contrast to intellectual and consciousness. The Modal System used in the novel is imperative and implicit that it shows by modal-word verbs, emotional words such as Adjective and evaluative Adverb, verbs of reporting that represent thoughts and behaviors and statements the generalizations.Of course, in some parts of the story, there is a negative modal that points to the skepticism of the characters of the story.
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