From Postmodernism to Neo-realism in Julian Barnes’ Flaubert Parrot and The Only Story
Subject Areas : Social (with literary and artistic features)
Masoumeh Bakhtiari
Leila Baradaran Jamili
Bahman Zaarinjooee
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of English Language and Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Borujard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Borujard, Iran.
Keywords: Regimes of art, neo-realism, Postmodernism, Distribution and Redistribution of Sensible, Politics of Aesthetics,
Abstract :
As a dominant tradition in writing, postmodernism was widely embraced during mid and late twentieth century. Many contemporary authors, and in particular some British authors, deemed postmodernism as alien to their own traditional modes of writing. Julian Barnes, the contemporary British author who once hailed postmodernism in his writings critically challenged and opposed it. The present research is an attempt to critically and analytically investigate this shift from his postmodern work Flaubert Parrot, to his more recent neo-realistic work The Only Story through the lens of Jacques Ranciere. The main hypothesis is that the late Barnes has truly grasped the dynamic of author-subject as indicated in his return to neo-realism from Postmodern grand narrative. To accomplish this goal the researchers have employed some of Ranciere’s concepts including ‘politics of aesthetics,’ ‘regimes of art,’ ‘distribution and redistribution of sensible’ to scrutinize the causes of this shift and his return to more essentialist and humanistic modes of thought and writing
بارنز، جولین (1397) فقط یک داستان، ترجمۀ سهیل سمی، تهران: نشر فرهنگ نشر نو.
بارنز، جولین (1395) هیاهوی زمان، ترجمۀ پیمان خاکسار، تهران: نشر چشمه.
بارنز،جولین (1397) طوطی فلوبر، ترجمۀ عرفان مجیب، تهران: نشر چشمه.
رانسیر، ژاک (1399) سیاستورزی زیباییشناسی، ترجمۀ فتاح محمدی، تهران: نشر هزاره سوم.
محمدی، علی، قاسمی، طاهره. (1401). بررسی «عنوان» در سرودههای علی باباچاهی از رئالیسم تا پستمدرنیسم. فصل نامه علمی تفسیر و تحلیل متون زبان و ادبیات فارسی (دهخدا)، 14(51)، 85-108. doi: 10.30495/dk.2022.690474
منابع لاتین
Babaie, Payam, and Zakariya Bezdoode. (2019). Author-Function and Modes of Writing in Narration: Reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Julian Barnes. The Noise of Time. Critical Literary Studies, 1(2), pp. 141-158. doi: org/10. 34785/J014. 615.
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Barnes, Julian (2018) The Only Story, London: Vintage.
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Joyce, Heather Ann. (2011). Tendencia Thatcherite or Englishness Remade. PhD Dissertation. Queen’s University. Canada.
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Rancière, Jacques (1999) Dis-agreement: Politics and Philosophy, Translated by Julie Rose, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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Sammut, G. (2018). Representing reality: memory and history in the works of Julian Barnes, Master's thesis, University of Malta.
Vermeulen, Timotheus, and Robin van den Akker. (2017). Notes on Metamodernism. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 2(1), pp. 56-77, doi: 10. 3402/jac. v2i0. 5677.
Yousef, Tawfiq. (2017). Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metamodernism: A Critique, International Journal of Language and Literature, 5(1), pp. 33–43, doi:10. 15640/ ijll. v5n1a5.
Barnes, Julien (2015) Chaos of Time, translated by Peyman Khaksar, Tehran: Chashmeh Publishing.
Barnes, Julien (2017) Flaubert's parrot, translated by Irfan Mujib, Tehran: Chashmeh Publishing House.
Barnes, Julien (2017) Just a story, translated by Sohail Sami, Tehran: Farhang Nosh Publishing House.
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Latin references
Babaie, Payam, and Zakariya Bezdoode. (2019). Author-Function and Modes of Writing in Narration: Reading Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Julian Barnes. The Noise of Time. Critical Literary Studies, 1(2), pp. 141-158. doi: org/10. 34785/J014. 615.
Barnes, Julian (1980) Metroland, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (1984) Flaubert’s Parrot, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (2002) Julian Barnes in Conversation. Cercles 4, http://www. cercles. com/n4/barnes.pdf.
Barnes, Julian (2015) Keeping an Eye Open: Essays on Art, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (2016) The Noise of Time, London: Vintage.
Barnes, Julian (2018) The Only Story, London: Vintage.
Bewes, Timothy. (2014). Introduction: Jacques Rancière and the Novel. Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 47(2), pp. 1-9.
Bixall, Peter. Ed (2019) The Cambridge Companion to British Fiction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Craven, Peter. (2016). One Hand Behind His Back: The Noise of Time by Julian Barnes. May 24, https://sydneyreviewofbooks. com/review/the-noise-of-time-julian-barnes/.
Goring, Rosemary. (2018). Review: The Only Story by Julian Barnes. The Herald, Jan 27, https://www. heraldscotland. com/life_style/arts_ents/15901516. review-story-julian-barnes/
Holmes, Frederick M. (2009) Julian Barnes, London: Palgrave.
James, David, and Urmilia Seshagiri (2014) Metamodernism: Narratives of Continuity and Revolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Joyce, Heather Ann. (2011). Tendencia Thatcherite or Englishness Remade. PhD Dissertation. Queen’s University. Canada.
Leggett, Bianca. (2009). Alternatives to Metanarrative in the Work of Julian Barnes. AMERICAN, BRITISH AND CANADIAN STUDIES, special issue of Worlds within Words: Twenty-first Century Visions on the Work of Julian Barnes, edited by Vanessa Guignery, 13 , pp. 26-39.
Rancière, Jacques (1999) Dis-agreement: Politics and Philosophy, Translated by Julie Rose, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Rancière, Jacques (2006) The Politics of Aesthetics: The Distribution of the Sensible, London: Continuum.
Rancière, Jacques (2010) Dissensus: On Politics and Aesthetics, Translated by Steven Corcoran, New York: Continuum.
Rancière, Jacques (2020) The Edges of Fiction, Translated by Steve Corcoran, Polity.
Ravinder Singh Rana. (2018). A hero-less (hi)story in Julian Barnes’s The Sense of an Ending. The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, 11 (10), pp. 1411-1422.
Sammut, G. (2018). Representing reality: memory and history in the works of Julian Barnes, Master's thesis, University of Malta.
Vermeulen, Timotheus, and Robin van den Akker. (2017). Notes on Metamodernism. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 2(1), pp. 56-77, doi: 10. 3402/jac. v2i0. 5677.
Yousef, Tawfiq. (2017). Modernism, Postmodernism, and Metamodernism: A Critique, International Journal of Language and Literature, 5(1), pp. 33–43, doi:10. 15640/ ijll. v5n1a5.