Comparative study of "verb stylistics" in Forough Farrokhzad's social poems And Golrokhsar Safiava through the lens of the transient system
Subject Areas : Social (with literary and artistic features)
Simin Fayzollahi
Khoday nazar Asazadeh
1 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, National University of Tajikistan, Tajikistan.
2 - Professor of Persian language and literature, National University of Tajikistan, Tajikistan.
Keywords: Social poems, cognitive style of verb, transitive system, Forough Farrokhzad and Golrokhsar Safiava,
Abstract :
Halliday's orthodoxy approach provides the researcher with a tool through which he or she can grasp the ideology of the text and the ways in which the speaker chooses to convey his or her thought. This approach is the product of a "social look" at language and takes place at the language level with the help of three intellectual, interpersonal, and textual paradigms. The role of thought is divided into two functions: empirical and logical. In the empirical function, the language expresses the experiences of the outside world. The product of this function in the sentence is a transitive that is used to identify different types of processes in the sentence - which is manifested in the verb. One of the main themes of contemporary poetry, especially women's poetry, is attention to social issues and its representation in the language of poetry. A poet who reflects social concepts in his poetry, his goal is to raise artistic and social perception and insight. He wants his poem to have a human message and to acquaint people with the events of his time. The souls of poets of social poetry are born with a sense of social responsibility and the poet lives with the people and among the people. Among contemporary female poets, Forough Farrokhzad is one of the women who reflects social ideas in her poems and by reading her poetry, the audience can become aware of her views on social issues. Among contemporary Tajik women, Golrokhsar Safiyava is also considered a poet with social concerns. This research tries to answer the main question in a descriptive-analytical way: Which language processes did Forough Farrokhzad and Golrokhsar Safiava use to express the views and social concerns of their time? And what is the place of these processes in the transmission of social thought of these two poets?
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