The Introduction and Investigation of the Manuscript Mayamin Al-Tarjoman wa Munis Al-Insan
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsFarzaneh Khalilpour 1 , Alireza Hajjian Nezhad 2 *
1 - Ph.D. student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Alborz Campus University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Luluniat, Munis Al-Insan, Mahkul Nasafi, Ghazi Araj, mystic prose, eighth century AH.,
Abstract :
Abu Motie Mahkul bin Fazl Nasafi (318 A.H.) [930 AD] had written a book called Luluniat in Arabic on subjects such as piousness and mysticism, which is not published yet. Mahmoud bin Hassan Ghazi Araj had translated Luluniat into Persian under a new title called Mayamin Al-Tarjoman Va Munis Al-Insan. Categorized into 127 subjects, this manuscript includes about 3,436 quotations and narrations by more than 800 companions and mystic figures from the beginning centuries of Islam. In addition to chapters from Quran, Ghazi Araj has shown so many Arabic and Persian verses as well as prophet’s Hadiths to explain different subjects. Mayamin Al-Tarjoman wa Munis Al-Insan has remained unknown from its translation time up to now. The name of this manuscript is not mentioned in any list books. This manuscript is undoubtedly one of the firsthand books on subjects such as piousness and Islamic-Iranian ethics. Three manuscripts of the translation by Mahmoud bin Hassan Ghazi Araj are available at International Library of Tajikestan. After brief introduction of Ghazi Araj and manuscripts of Mayamin Al-Tarjoman, this paper attempts to present some of the calligraphical features of the manuscript and its intellectual, linguistic and literary characteristics through exemplification. In this research, a documentary and library approach is being used based on the original work and pieces of evidence being extracted from it as well as the books by famous authors.
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