Analytical study of the topics and terms of traditional medicine in Masnavi "Man and Salvi" by Nemat Khan Aali Shirazi
Subject Areas : Persian language and literature textsMajid Mohseni Vadeghani 1 , Ahmad Khatami 2 * , Abolfazl Moradi rasta 3
1 - PhD Student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Qom Farhangian University, Qom, Iran.
Keywords: Nemat Khan, Aali Shirazi, Traditional medicine, Sokhane Aali, Manno Salva,
Abstract :
"Manno Salva Masnavi" or "Sokhane Aali" is a moral, mystical, martingale and social book of poems that is one of "Nemat Khan Aali Shirazi" 's books. He was an Iranian poet and medical doctor who was living at 11th and 12th century AH. “Aali” was living in India and he was a worthy person in "Orang Zib" and the king "Bahador" 's palace. He went to Orang Zib’s palace as a doctor and started writing and rhyming and gloried as “Nemat Khan”, “Mogharab Khan” and “Daneshmand Khan” by Orang Zib and King Bahador. Manno Salva Masnavi is a collection of mystical, moral and social stories. "Aali" has written some medical contents in this book, such as the names of diseases, the patients' symptoms, the ways of treatments, drugs, medicinal plants and ethics in medicine. Some of these subjects have been ignored until now. At the end of this project, the results indicates that, at first “Awli” was one of the proficient doctor of court despite he was introduced as a poet in the biographies. He was trying to introduce the illnesses, drugs and pharmaceutical plants with explanation of medical subjects in his stories. Second, his manner in advising, general medicine training and medical morality is considerable. Third, this mathnawi can be used in the traditional medicine researches and iran and india scientific relationships. In this article I used library method and analyzed this subject with other related books.
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