A Study on Effect of Seasons’ Psychology on Artistic Creation of Ahmad Shamloo & Forough Farrokhzad
Subject Areas : شعر
Mojtaba Asgharnasab
Ibrahim Eqbaali
1 - Post Graduate, Comparative Literature, Chark – e Niloofari Institute of Higher Education, Azerbaijan
2 - Associate Professor, Persian Language & Literature, Tabriz University
Keywords: شعر, poetry, رنگ, روانشناسی, Color, Season, فصل, psychology, Psychological Criticism, نقد روانکاوانه,
Abstract :
Many intelligentsia and literati have studied poets and authors’ works by various approaches; ipso facto different methods of literary criticism for content analysis and finding hidden and unknown valuable literary works are created. By a perceptive viewpoint, seasons’ changes footprint would be found in authors and artists’ works. Ahmad Shamloo and Forough Farrokhzad are famous contemporary poets who were remarkably, psychologically and emotionally affected by seasons and related elements. Thus the present paper aims to study the psychological effects of seasons on artistic works’ creation. It also enables us to survey Shamloo and Farrokhzad’s content analysis psychologically. Precise study of the mentioned works show that effect of seasons and related elements such as various colors, coldness and warmth have great manifestation on both poets’ creativity.
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