The Comparison of the Ideal Spouse’s Image in Arabic and English ProverbsAccording to Family Process and Content Model
Subject Areas : شعر
Ali Najafi Ivaki
Fatemeh Irandoost
1 - Professor Associate of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan - Iran
2 - Ph.D in Arabic Language and Literature , Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashan University, Iran
Keywords: Arabic Proverbs, English Proverbs, Ideal Spouse, Family Process and Content Model,
Abstract :
Studying proverbs in different languages in order to get access to traditions and beliefs is one of the linguistic requirements and language issues and their hidden treasure of anecdotes looks like an inheritance visualized attractively to the audience by history. Conducting research on this unknown treasure can solve social, cultural… problems. Therefore, the present research, using descriptive - analytic methodology and according to library sources demonstrates the ideal spouse’s image in Arabic and English proverbs. The proverbs collected in the book entitled “Majma’ol Amsal” written by Abolfazl Ahmad ’Ebn Mohammad Meidani (518 A.H.) as well as the collection of proverbs in books entitled “The facts on file dictionary of proverbs” authored by Martin Menser (2007), and “The oxford dictionary of proverbs” (2015) complied by John Simpson and Jenifer Speake make up the linguistic corpus of the research. For the purpose of more cohesive classification of data, Family Process and Content Model has been used. The research findings show that choosing spouse is more investigated in Arabic proverbs and in spite of some common criteria, the ideal spouse’s image is different in these two nation’s proverbs. On the other hand, according to Family Process and Content Model, most of the criteria are the process ones stating that, from the women’s point of view, the functions organizing family system are more regarded rather than family and individual demographic characteristics.