• Sajedi Rad.Seyyed Mohsen Abstract The mathnawi of Golshan Raz is the most well-known versified work of Sheikh Mahmood Shabestari which encompasses his mystical thoughts. Though not so voluminous, this book is one of the most valuable monuments of literary mystical works in which the Sufi implications have been enthusiastically talked about. Shabestari has composed this mathnawi in answer to Amir Hossein Heravi's questions. The versified story of " The Golshan Raz [ Vol.17, Issue 50 - Winter Year 1399]
  • shadmanamin.Mohammadreza Studying the Role of Warning Fantasies in Gaining the Identity and Critical Thinkingof Children with Emphasis on Bruno Bettelheim 's Ideas [ Vol.17, Issue 49 - Autumn Year 1399]
  • Sharifpour.Enayatollah Manifestation of Human Rights in Jaami's Works [ Vol.17, Issue 47 - Spring Year 1399]
  • Sotodeh.Gholamreza Jaami's Affectability in Ethical Themes of the Baharestan from Imam Ali's [ Vol.17, Issue 48 - Summer Year 1399]