Examination the concept of "intimacy" in Hossein Monzavi's poetry based on theory of Robery John Sternberg's
Subject Areas : Department of Persian Literature
Seyed_Mohammad_Reza Bashi _Azghadi
Mohammad Sharif Hosaini
Batoul Fakhre Islam
1 - Islamic Azad University. Mashhad Branch. Faculty of the literature
2 - Assistant Professor of Faculty of the literature , Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Mashhad.Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Faculty of the literature , Neishabur Branch, Islamic Azad University ,Neishabur.Iran
Keywords: Monzavi, Love, Morality, Robert Sternberg, love triangle, Intimacy,
Abstract :
Although love is a human phenomenon, it should be considered beyond human distinguishing criteria. For this reason, the view of love can be summed up in two earthly and extraterrestrial dimensions. In the earthly dimension and in the field of psychology, Robert J. Sternberg has discussed various aspects of the concept of love within the framework of the love triangle theory and considered it to have three aspects of intimacy, passion and commitment. In Persian poetry, many poets have mentioned this concept Hossein Monzavi has repeatedly spoken about the importance of love and the necessity of intimacy in his sonnets. The aim of the current research, which was compiled based on library sources and descriptive-analytical method, is to investigate the side of intimacy in the bonds between the lover and the beloved. The research findings show that intimacy concept explaind in love affairs of Hossein Monzavi’s sonnets, points out various lines including emotional support for the beloved; The experience of being happy near your beloved much respect for the beloved and honoring him; Relying on your beloved when in need, increasing the spirit of self-sacrifice and spending money for your beloved and close relationships and mutual understanding with your beloved. This means that love in an isolated intellectual structure is not only limited to interpersonal and emotional relationships, but the side of intimacy and humanity between the lover and the beloved, which originates from the traditions and important commonalities of belief, culture, faith, ideals, opinions, interests and tastes of both parties, which has received much attention in this poems.
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