Language, text, metatext and meaning in Bivatan's novel
Subject Areas : Department of Persian Literature
Azar Dekht Khatibi
Rahim Taher
Reza Fahimi
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran
Keywords: Bivatan, macro-narrative, hypertext, value and anti-value, language, meaning,
Abstract :
Bivatan's long novel can be considered a post-modern long novel according to the signs that indicate postmodernism in general. Postmodern, although historically post-modern and to respond to some of its unrealized claims, came to the fore; It has characteristics that distinguish it from modernism. In Bivatan's novel, which was based on the contrast between tradition and modernity. We witness the not-so-cohesive feelings of Jeremiah, the main character of the story. It is through his thoughts and actions that he is aware of the confusion of the situation and the dispersion of the post-modern man's thought, his superficial views, the change of the value systems of the society, the avoidance of anything that has coherence, certainty and specific meaning. Let's wash The data of this research was collected using the library method. The result of this research shows that in Bivatan's novel, language plays an essential role in the creation of new meanings. Apart from the fact that these meanings may refer to simple, superficial and even vulgar things, the language plays its role correctly in these creations and helps to convey many meanings. Also, Amirkhani has many language games in this novel, and through these games, he creates meanings that express the social and political realities of two mutual perspectives, traditional and modern
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