A survay of non-verbal communications fukction in Forough Farrokhzad's poetry
Subject Areas : Department of Persian LiteratureIraj Mahmoodzadeh 1 , lida namdar 2 * , gholamreza heydari 3
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Khodabande Branch, Khodabande, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature& Comparative Literature, Islamic Azad University, Khodabandeh Branch, Khodabandeh, Iran
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch, Abhar, Iran
Keywords: Non-verbal communication, body language, poetry, Forough Farrokhzad, alternative function, conflicting function,
Abstract :
A considerable part of communications among people is formed based on non-verbal behaviors and many communicational concepts in interpersonal or public interactions are exchanged through looks, gestures, facial expressions, costumes, etc. According to experts, only 7% of communication is done verbally, and the rest of the communicative process carried out by non-verbal communication or the very body language, which is the most genuine type of communication. Non-verbal communications, the importance of which is not hidden from anyone, have a more important function in literary context in general and poetry in particular, and their functions in the speech of poets need to be examined, as poetry as a medium is full of various signs including these non-verbal signs. The upcoming research aims to emphasize the importance of non-verbal communication in creating meaning, conveying the message and more importantly, inducing the inner thoughts, feelings and thoughts of poets, sextuplet functions of non-verbal communications in c poetry in a descriptive, analytical and deductive way is analyzed and reported. The findings of the research show that Forough was aware of the function of non-verbal communication and has taken advantage of it consciously and unconsciously in different situations. The findings also show that non-verbal communication function has mostly been in Forough poetry's substitution, completion, confirmatiom and violation functions respectively and repetition has been used least.
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