The effect of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction with the mediation of organizational commitment of Red Crescent employees
Subject Areas :
alireza rezaei
Abdul Javad Khalili
1 - alireza rezaei (Master's degree in accounting, Islamic Azad University, Lamerd, Fars, Iran,
2 - Department of Management, Lamard Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lamard Branch, Lamard, Iran
Keywords: spirituality of work environment, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, Red Crescent of Lamard and Mehr cities.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the spirituality of the workplace on job satisfaction through the mediation of the organizational commitment of Red Crescent employees. This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of method.. The statistical population is all Red Crescent employees in Lamard and Mehr cities (Fars province) in number of 180 people. A sample of 120 people was selected. In order to collect information, Milliman et al.'s spirituality questionnaire (2003), Minnesota's job satisfaction (1967) and Meier and Allen's (1997) organizational commitment were used. Face validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaires due to its standardization. Cronbach's alpha test was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaires and the obtained alpha coefficient has high reliability. After collecting the questionnaires, the research data were analyzed using Smart Pls software. This research was conducted at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. The results of the analysis showed that the spirituality of the work environment has a significant effect on job satisfaction with the mediating role of organizational commitment of Red Crescent employees in Lamard and Mehr cities
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