• rae.masoud بایسته‌های فقهی و قانونی تصدی ریاست دیوان عدالت اداری: با نگاهی به قانون فرانسه [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rafeypor.chamran خسارت تأخیر درانجام تعهدات قراردادی در حقوق ایران و کنوانسیون بیع بین المللی [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rafiei.mohamad taqi The impact of blockchain technology on the role of consumers in the electricity system in the electricity legal system of Iran and the European Union [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • Rahimi.Fathollah The relation of publicity rule in the legal system of Islam, Iran and western countries from the point of view of government costs and proceedings [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Summer Year 1401]
  • raisi Dezki.Leila The globalization of human rights standards and its effects in Iran's legal system [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Summer Year 1401]
  • rajab zadeh.alireza Analysis of the civil responsibility of the cause and the steward in the legal system [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]
  • ramezani.Mohammed Hussain Evolution of States' obligations in protecting biodiversity in international open waters [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]
  • raqebi.zahra Supervision of elections and electoral district system in America [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • rashidi.امید موارد غیرقابل انجام شدن تعهدات در قراردادها [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]