• darvish.bahram Transaction with the right of restitution and the condition of maintaining ownership in Iranian law and English law [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]
  • delgir.mahdi Multiplicity of courts and jurisdictions in international trade law and solutions to deal with it [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • delshad.ebrahim Analyzing the role of credit containers in regulating financial legal relations With a comparative study of Shia jurisprudence and the legal system of Iran and France [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]
  • deylami moezi.navid Assessing the legislative criminal policy of Iran and the European Union against cybercrime [ Vol.15, Issue 56 - Summer Year 1401]
  • dianat.mohsen Investigating religious extremism in Afghanistan and Syria in the framework of international law and Russia's foreign policy strategy [ Vol.15, Issue 57 - Autumn Year 1401]
  • dianat.mohsen Immunity of state property in international law Looking at the seizure of Iranian oil exports by the United States [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]
  • dida.mahdi Pathology of Iran's criminal policy in economic crimes [ Vol.15, Issue 55 - Spring Year 1401]