The Role of Patterns of Educational Literature of the Qur'an in Realizing the Life of Ṭayyibah
Subject Areas : Quarterly Journal of Research for the Studies of the Ahl al-Bayt
1 - Teacher, Translator and Researcher of Education
Keywords: Qur'an, Educational Literature, Pattern, Life of Ṭayyib, Faith and Good Deeds.,
Abstract :
One of the important points in explaining the teaching methods and foundations is to consider Qur’anic verses. Since the transference of the Holy Qur’an from the divine essence to the heart of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), as well as the quality of communion of this revelation by the Prophet to the people, is itself a form of education, so the Qur'anic verses themselves provide some kind of image of dynamic learning. In that man, he is always a student and a Qur'an is his teacher. Accordingly, the present study tries to illustrate some of the principles and methods of teaching the Qur'an in realizing the life of Ṭayyib in a Qur'anic approach. The Qur'an, the Word of Allah the Almighty and the manifestation of His Essence, sent him to the truth of his expressive language for the connection of earthly creatures to the holy graves throughout the heavenly light, in order to be a reference to, fullness, and complete recipe of the life of the life of the Tayyib. The first earthly encounter with this celestial script was issued by the decree of the Qur'an to the election of the divine choirs and continued with recite him and his recitation of the people and the teaching of books and wisdom and cultivation. And among these, one of the most important teachings of the Holy Qur’an is the realization of Ṭayyib's life. Ḥayāt Ṭayyibah is the true life of a human whose worldly life, with its wide range, is the basis of it, and the eternal life with eternity and its significance is the embodiment of this real life. This genuine and real life is a reality beyond the apparent life that comes in this world. Ḥayāt Ṭayyibah comes from a high level of human spirit. The believer in the transcendental way and his spiritual excellence, which is born after birth, confirms the divine enthusiasm from the heart of his faith that the life of the ṭayyib is its fruit.
قرآن کریم.
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