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  • abdolrasul gharaati

    List of Articles abdolrasul gharaati

  • Article

    1 - Studying Focusing Properties of Graded Index Photonic Crystals Made of Material with Different Refractive Index
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2017
    In this paper we investigate focusing properties of graded index (GRIN) photonic crystal (PC) structures which are composed of different materials with different refractive indices. GRIN PC structure is constructed from air holes in dielectric background. The hole More
    In this paper we investigate focusing properties of graded index (GRIN) photonic crystal (PC) structures which are composed of different materials with different refractive indices. GRIN PC structure is constructed from air holes in dielectric background. The holes radii are varied in the normal direction to the propagation in such a way that a parabolic effective refractive index is produced. The focusing characteristic is studied relative to the refractive index variation of background material. While increasing refractive index of background material of the GRIN PC structure, the effective refractive index of the structure increases. With increasing effective refractive index, the focusing capability of the GRIN PC structure increase and outgoing wave at focal point will be more concentrated. The result shows that the designed GRIN PC structure work very well as a focusing lens. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method was employed to compute field propagation through GRIN PC structure. Also, plane wave expansion (PWE) method has been carried out to extract the dispersion properties Manuscript profile

  • Article

    2 - A Comparative Study of Insulators on Magnetic Properties of Sendust Based Nanocomposite Powder Cores
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2018
    In this study, Sendust (Fe85Si9.6Al5.4) nanostructure alloy was prepared by
    mechanical alloying and was characterized by X-ray diffraction. In addition, the alloy’s
    morphology and its distribution particle size were investigated by scanning electron
    In this study, Sendust (Fe85Si9.6Al5.4) nanostructure alloy was prepared by
    mechanical alloying and was characterized by X-ray diffraction. In addition, the alloy’s
    morphology and its distribution particle size were investigated by scanning electron
    microscopy method. The alloyed powders were insulated with 4wt% of three different
    insulating materials including polyvinyl alcohol, epoxy resin, and sodium silicate. Then,
    0.5 wt% zinc stearate was added as a lubricant and the composites were formed at a
    pressure of 1600 MPa in a torodial die. These cores were annealed in Ar atmosphere at
    350 to 450 ºC for 1 h. Some of the magnetic parameters of the as-milled and annealed
    samples were measured and compared with each other in the frequency range of 4 to
    1000 kHz. The results showed that polyvinyl alcohol is not a suitable insulating agent
    for insulating this alloy. In addition, the real part of the initial magnetic permeability of
    the magnetic powder core insulated by sodium silicate in comparison with that insulated
    by epoxy resin is a bit smaller, but more reduction of the imaginary part of former
    results in an increase the Q-factor throughout measuring frequency range. The results
    show that annealing is more effective on improvement of the measured magnetic
    properties of the samples insulated with sodium silicate than that insulated with epoxy
    resin. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    3 - Investigation of thermal tunable nano metallic photonic crystal filter with mirror symmetry
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2018
    Using the transfer matrix method, the effect of temperature on the
    transmission spectra of thermal tunable nano metallic photonic crystal filter has been
    investigated. Three different materials H (high refractive index material), L (low
    refractive index m More
    Using the transfer matrix method, the effect of temperature on the
    transmission spectra of thermal tunable nano metallic photonic crystal filter has been
    investigated. Three different materials H (high refractive index material), L (low
    refractive index material) and M as a metallic layer, have been used to make this
    structure. M layer is considered to be Silver. The complex refractive index of Silver is a
    function of temperature and wavelength simultaneously so, the structure is tunable with
    temperature and incident angle. It is found that the transmission peaks shift by changing
    temperature and incident angle. At a given incident angle, they move toward higher
    wavelengths by increasing the temperature. The temperature dependence of
    transmission peaks is linear. At a constant temperature, they move toward the shorter
    wavelengths by increasing the incident angle. Also by increasing the temperature, due to
    dissipation Manuscript profile

  • Article

    4 - Enhancement of the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect in One- Dimensional Magnetophotonic Crystals with Adjustable Spatial Configuration
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 1 , Year , Spring 2019
    We studied magnetophotonic crystals (MPCs) with introduced magnetic
    defect layer sandwiched between magnetic and dielectric Bragg mirrors. These
    magnetophotonic crystals have excellent capabilities to enhance reflection and Kerr
    rotation simultaneously. B More
    We studied magnetophotonic crystals (MPCs) with introduced magnetic
    defect layer sandwiched between magnetic and dielectric Bragg mirrors. These
    magnetophotonic crystals have excellent capabilities to enhance reflection and Kerr
    rotation simultaneously. By adjusting spatial configuration such as repetition numbers
    of Bragg mirrors and thickness of magnetic defect layer, we achieved the Kerr rotation
    angles more than 75˚ and reflection very close to 1. We briefly described the
    formulation of finite element method (FEM) and transfer matrix method (TMM). The
    electric field distribution and magnitude of it along the MPCs are simulated using FEM.
    Using the TMM, we calculated the MO responses of MPCs. With light localization
    inside the magnetic defect layer and multiple reflections in it, the magneto-optical (MO)
    responses of these MPCs were significantly increased. The studied structures in this
    research have high MO responses that make it suitable for designing MO elements in
    highly sensitive devices and optical telecommunication tools. Manuscript profile

  • Article

    5 - Supercontinuum Generation in Silica Plasmonic Waveguide by Bright Soliton
    Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures , Issue 5 , Year , Winter 2021
    We study the supercontinuum generation in a nonlinear
    silica single layer plasmonic waveguide. A major part of
    spectral broadening is related to soliton dynamics when an
    ultra-short pulse is launched in waveguide with anomalous
    GVD. Production of sup More
    We study the supercontinuum generation in a nonlinear
    silica single layer plasmonic waveguide. A major part of
    spectral broadening is related to soliton dynamics when an
    ultra-short pulse is launched in waveguide with anomalous
    GVD. Production of supercontinuum with 10th, 15th and
    30th, orders bright solitons by considering all the nonlinear
    effects and dispersions i.e., inter-pulse Raman scattering,
    self-steepening, self-phase modulation, cross phase
    modulation, which indicates the existence of a
    supercontinuum propagation about 20 times broadening
    than initial width of input spectrum.
    Also, we consider the absorption effect of plasmonic
    waveguide by calculating propagation length from
    propagation constant. The propagation length of plasmonic
    is compared with the waveguide length and nonlinear
    length. At wavelength 1.22μm, the propagation length is
    obtained in the order of waveguide length which means one
    can consider the effect of absorption cannot alter the
    results. The nonlinear plasmonic waveguides are suitable
    for integrated photonics because of subwavelength
    confinement of plasmonic waveguides. Manuscript profile