Assessment of tourists' access to urban tourism services Case Study: Ten District Areas of Tabriz Municipality
Subject Areas :
1 - Lecturer
Keywords: Productivity, Tabriz, Tourism services, Municipal areas,
Abstract :
Having a municipal services can be, having a Citizen's Citizen's Rights, Regardless of race, gender, location, and … In terms of facilities of the city. The ranking of urban areas of the dimension of tourism services, a measure to determine the required infrastructure and to adjust the inequality between municipalities. In the same vein, prioritizing urban areas, which could be an effective framework for distributing services to the users of the tourism industry, is essential. Given the importance of the tourism industry and the potential for tourism in the city of Tabriz, determine the extent of having different parts of the city to make proper and efficient planning is necessary In order to provide better service and satisfaction of tourists in different regions. For this purpose, the tourism elements in the civil service have been evaluated. The research method is descriptive-comparative and its type is applicable. The information gathering method is also field-documentary. Initially, the dispersion of elements in ten regions was evaluated using the kernel density method. Continue to rank elements based on importance, elements were weighed and ranked using the AHP model. Then in the next step, using the TOPSIS model, we determined the extent to which the areas of urban tourism services were based on the importance of the factors. Based on the results of the analysis, Area 8 with the top score 0.836523 ranked first and area 7 with a score of 0.065989 is in the last rank in terms of the level of enjoyment.
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