The Effect of E-Commerce on CRM in the Banking Industry (Case Study: The Western District of Pasargad Bank in Tehran)
Subject Areas : Journal of Capital Market Analysis
Vadood Javan Amani,
Hamid Akbari
1 - Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Islamic Azad University of Firuzkooh Branch, Tehran. Iran.
2 - Department of Public Administration, Management Faculty, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: CRM, Management, Banking, E-Commerce, Pasargad Bank,
Abstract :
In today's competitive environment of commercial companies, business in the traditional way no longer meets the needs and e-commerce has been proposed as one of the marketing strategies of organizations. On the other hand, customer relationship management is one of the strategic necessities in all organizations, the effective implementation of which can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, attract them and thus increase sales and repeat purchases. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of e-commerce on customer relationship management in Pasargad Bank in the west of Tehran. For this purpose, this research has been done by hypothesis design and descriptive-survey method. The statistical population of the present study includes all customers of Pasargad Bank in the western part of Tehran. In this research, the obtained data have been analyzed using PLS software. In the analysis, first the model was reviewed and all model fit indices were reported to the desired level, then according to the path coefficients, the research hypotheses were examined and based on the results, all research hypotheses were confirmed. The research findings showed that it is very important for banks to be equipped with electronic banking in order to implement customer relationship management properly and Pasargad Bank managers are advised to properly implement customer relationship management programs and also attract customers. Increase most of your e-banking services as much as possible.