The Role Evaluation of Land Use on Changes of Ground Water Quality in Lajan Watershed
Subject Areas :
Rahman Mahmood Hasan
Mahmood Habibnezhad Roshan
Leila Gholami
1 - Department of
2 - Department of Watershed Management Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran.
3 - Department of Watershed management, Faculty of Natural Resources, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Sari, Iran
Received: 2017-04-19
Accepted : 2017-08-06
Published : 2017-08-23
Water Quality,
land use,
Underground water,
Lajan Watershed,
Abstract :
The land use cause the changes in water quality and therefore this study, the changes study of land use in years from 2002 to 2016 in Lajan watershed of the southern province of West Azerbaijan created using Landsat 5 and 8 and satellite images of TM and OIL and also GIS. The results showed that the rangeland and rain-fed land area decreased about 135.05 and 26.16 km2, respectively, but the area of irrigated agriculture, residential land and garden land increased with amount of 112.75, 28 and of 20.37 km2, respectively. Then, 22 pits for water resources quality of underground in years 2002 and 2016 selected for the study of land use change and parameters of chemical quality including residual salts, pH, electrical conductivity, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, and sodium adsorption ratio total hardness. The concentration of main ions and concentration of soluble salts measured by standard methods. Finally, the effective parameters on studied samples quality and water resources quality of underground evaluated for different applications in two years. The results showed that the water resources of underground in Lajan watershed had bicarbonate type. The Wilcox diagram showed that the more samples in the favorable category were for agricultural section and Schuler diagram also stated that the water resources of underground were in range of good to excellent for drinking application. Also, the results showed that the water quality changes did not depended to land use changes.
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Castillo, R.C., I. Güneralp & B. Güneralp, 2014. Influence of changes in developed land and precipitation on hydrology. Applied Geography 47: 154-167.
Chen, X.W., 2002. Using remote sensing and GIS to analyses land cover change and its impacts on regional sustainable development. International Journal of Remote Sensing 23: 107-124.
Chidambaram, S., A. Peter, M. Prasanna, U. Karmegam, K. Balaji, R. Ramesh, Paramaguru & S. Pethaperuaml 2010. A Study on the impact of landuse pattern in the groundwater quality in around Madurai region, south India using GIS techniques. Online Journal of Earth Sciences.
Ebrahimi, K. & F. Mohammadi, 2007. The effect study of ground water quality in land use change by GIS, 2th national conference of Agroecology, Gorgan university of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan. [Persian].
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Ghanavati, E., P. Ziaiian, M. Sardashti & E. Jangi, 2007. The changes detection of morphodynamic by remote sensing principal component analysis (PCA) and fuzzy logic. Case study in Taleghan watershed. Geography Research Quaterly 62:41-53. [Persian].
Hounslow, A. 1995. Water quality data: analysis and interpretation. CRC press.
Joint Nations, 1997. Sustainable development of water resources in Asia and the Pacific: An overview.
Pijanowski, B.C., D.G. Brown, B.A. Shellito & Manik, G.A., 2002. Using neural networks and GIS to forecast land use changes: A Land Transformation Model. Computers Environment and Urban Systems 26:553-575.
Rahmati, A., N. Mahmoodi, A. Mosaedi & F. Hidari, 2013. Assessing the effect of landuse and lithology on spring water quality in Piranshahr watershed, Iranian Journal of Watershed Management Science 8(27): 19-26. [Persian].
Riahi, M. 2012. The effect sdtudy of land use on hydraulic regime of river flow in sub-watershed Nekarood, M.Sc. Thesis, Sari Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University, 122pp. [Persian].
Rozbeh Kohshahi, S. 2015. The selection of appropriate indexes and thresholds for shady of water area fluctuations of Maharloo lake using remote sensing, M.Sc. Thesis, Sari Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University, 112pp. [Persian].
Salajegheh, A., S. Razavizadeh, N. Khorasani, M. Hamidifar & S. Salajegheh, 2010. Land use changes and its effects on water quality (Case study: Karkheh watershed). Environmental Science 37(58): 81-86. [Persian].
Singh, S.K., Ch.K. Singh & S. Mukherjee, 2010. Impact of land-use and land-cover change on groundwater quality in the Lower Shiwalik hills: a remote sensing and GIS based approach. Central European Journal of Geosciences 2(2):124-131.
Tabatabaii, H.R., N. Lalehzari, M. Noormehnad & H. Khazaii, 2010. The effect study of land use changes on ground water quality (Case study: Shahrekoord plain). Journal of Research in Agricultural Science 6(1):37-46. [Persian].
Thomas, A. & J. Tellam, 2005. Modeling of recharge and pollutant fluxes to urban ground waters. Science of the Total Environment 360(1-3):179-158.
Vito, F.U. G. Raffaele & L. Nicola, 2003. A fuzzy knowledge-based decision support system for groundwater pollution risk evaluation. Environmental Management 73(3):197-189.
World health organization, 2011. Guidelines for drinking water quality. Engineering sanitary ambient 16(4):4-5.