Development of a Model for Sustainable Development of Rural tourism (Case Study: Villages of Hir District of Ardabil City)
Subject Areas :
Bahram Imani
Behrooz Abplzadeh
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Ardebil, Iran
2 - MA Student, Department of Geography and Rural Planning, University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Ardebil, Iran
Keywords: Ardabil, Sustainable Development, Rural tourism, Hierarchical Analysis Process, Hir,
Abstract :
A basic precondition for achieving sustainable tourism in rural areas of the country; Design, development and implementation of strategic planning by planners and managers of tourism destinations. The present study, in order to provide an effective model for tourism development in the villages of Hir district of Ardabil city, has considered the methodology and tools of a comprehensive strategy formulation as well as the AHP technique. Accordingly, according to the subject, the research is methodically descriptive-analytical and purpose-based and through two methods of data collection; Documentary and field to identify the current situation, analyze the situation and then provide strategic proposals. To achieve this important and evaluate the factors that promote and inhibit development in the form of SWOT method using a questionnaire based on purposeful jurisprudence, distribution and results have been extracted. The questionnaire was reproduced based on Cochran's method among 340 households in the studied villages. In total, with regard to 34 strengths and opportunities, 23 weaknesses and threats, and scores obtained from the matrix of internal and external factors, as well as the 9-house diagram, the extraction strategy is maintenance. Finally, thematic development strategies are prioritized using the AHP process and then executive plans are presented to implement each of the tourism development strategies to maintain and improve the status quo.
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