Spatial distribution of green space use with emphasis on the satisfaction of the citizens of the 22 districts of Tehran
Subject Areas :
mehri roozbahani
Gholamreza Janbazghobadi
Sadruddin Motevalli
Jalal Azimi Amoli
1 - Phd Student, Dep/ of Geography/ Nour Branch/ Islamic Azad University/ Nour/ Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Dep. of Geography, Nour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran
3 - Associate Professor/ Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Noor Branch
4 - Associate Professor, Dep. of Geography, Nour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran
Keywords: Quality, satisfaction, Tehran, green space,
Abstract :
Urban spaceis an essential element of city construction andamong urbanspaces,urbangreen space hasan important role inmaintaining the balance ofthe urbanenvironment and moderating airpollution.reducing densityandmentalandphysical development ofcitizens.Urbangreen spaceispart of the appearance of the city andthe establishment of urban parks has a positive effect on the quality of life andsatisfaction ofcitizens. andmisunderstandings inthe location and distribution ofsuch spaces limit their impact.the present study isa descriptive-analytical type and its information was collected based onlibrary resources, field visits anda researcher-made questionnaire.Cronbach's alphais0.933and the statistical sample sizeusingthe Cochran's formula is384peopleandthe geographical area ofthe research isTehran.Findings of the research show that the green cover of 22 regions is negative andregions1and22have thehighest decrease with5.2and2.37square kilometers .respectively and regions 2and19have the highest increase with0.5and 0.47square kilometers, respectively. Spatial distribution of parks with the opinion of 15 green space managers with AHP model and residential index with a score of 0.172 obtained the highest score. Examination of all indicators showed that the spatial distribution of parks was not appropriate.Also, in measuring the level of satisfaction in the criterion of garbage level index with the average equipment criterion of 07.4, in the security criterion of night lighting index with 33.4 and bus station index in the criterion of access with 28.3 obtained the highest score. Due to the fact that the average response is lower than the average, it is concluded that this situation has a negative impact on citizens' satisfaction with green space and citizens are not satisfied with urban green space. Therefore, suggestions were made to improve the situation.