Analyzing the role of perceptual-cognitive factors on children's behavioral patterns with emphasis on emotional intelligence Case study: Sajjad neighborhood of Mashhad
Subject Areas :shima abedi 1 , toktam hanee 2
1 - PhD student, Department of Urban Planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Urban Planning Department, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.(Correspondin Author)
Keywords: emotional intelligence, Children, Perception, Sajjad Neighborhood, Path learning,
Abstract :
According to the experts of psychology and sociology, childhood is very important in the personality development and social health of people in the society. In urban environments and public spaces, they can provide a suitable platform for the growth and development of children. One of the structural pillars in the model of sustainable neighborhoods is the existence of active and lively public spaces that can provide a suitable platform for the presence, activity and social interaction of children (as a part of society). Such spaces can promote sustainable shopping in the neighborhood, and the social growth and maturity of the children present there.Children and teenagers, as members of society with a set of specific demands and needs, are users of the artificial environment. Urban spaces play a unique role in meeting the social and individual needs of city children. These spaces occupy a major part of the time and environment of the daily life of residents, including children, and from the perspective of human sciences engineering, improving the quality of these spaces can be effective in the health and growth of physical strength, strengthening social interactions and fostering creativity in children. Children want to be social and to be in touch with their peers and society. Also, they like to spend their time in natural environments and be active. Therefore, the facilities should be available to children and provide them with the possibility of pursuing a safe urban environment (Ismailizadeh Kowaki, 2013). As children's independent mobility in urban environments continues to decline, children are increasingly removed from all realms of city life. These exercises are used as a basic intervention in the urban environment to ensure children's independent mobility and familiarity with the environment (Segal, 2015).Purpose :According to children's cognitive abilities in urban space, which includes perception, perception and behavior, the combination of emotional intelligence and path learning behavior in urban spaces for children is the basis for paying attention to important values such as information processing, decision making and execution. This study deals with the effect of the role of perceptual-cognitive factors on children's behavioral patterns with emphasis on emotional intelligence in Sajjad neighborhood.Method :The research method in the present study is descriptive-analytical and in this regard, in order to collect data from field observations, questionnaire, site visit is used. In this study, a statistical population of 1310 people was completed by 298 children aged 10-14 years. After data collection, the collected questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS software. Test method and analysis of analysis hypotheses were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, correlation coefficient between two variables, Leven test and Anova analysis of variance were analyzed. Cronbach's alpha. The results of the 0.837 questionnaireFindings: In the findings of the quantitative analysis, it seems that there is a direct relationship between children's learning path and age in emotional intelligence. The age group of 12-14 years has higher self-confidence in the occurrence of path learning behavior in the environment. This group has higher self-awareness than the age group of 10-12. The higher the children's emotional intelligence, the easier it is to wayfinding in urban spaces.