The models of the impact of interactive relationship between thinking style and the format of the advertising message on advertisement attractiveness and purchase intention by means of eye tracker
Subject Areas : Business Management
Alireza Haddadi
Rosa Hendijani
Tahmores Hasangholi pour
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: advertisement attractiveness, purchase intention, advertisement message, thinking style, visual attention,
Abstract :
Objective:The purpose of this research is to provide a model of the interactive effect of various factors including thinking style (Rational-Intuitive) and advertisement format of message (rational-sensory) on advertisement attractiveness and purchase intention via visual attention. Methodology: The data of this experimental research were collected at business laboratory by means of eye tracker in the form of 180 convenient samples drawn among generation X, generation Y or media savvy and generation Z or digital native including 102 males and 78 females with the average age of 22.64 years. Findings: The 5 indexes of visual attention showed that visit count, visit duration and fixation count have been higher for those observing total area of rational advertisements and total fixation duration has been longer for those observing sensory advertisement. In addition, average of time to first fixation has been shorter in the total area of advertisement for those looking at rational advertisement, meaning that visual attention of those looking at rational advertisements have been drawn faster than those looking at sensory advertisements. Conclusion: The results of this research unveiled the positive effects of rational thinking style and rational message on advertisement attractiveness and purchase intention and also the role of 5 selected indexes of visual attention(mediator variable) in the effect of interactive relationship between thinking style and format of the advertisement message on the advertisement attractiveness and purchase intention, that will open up a new way towards marketing researchers to pursue further research and development.