Designing a Model of Human Resource Sustainability in Family Businesses
Subject Areas : Business Management
Yousef Mohammadkarimi
Mohammad Doostar
Mohsen Akbari
Reza Esmaeilpour
1 - PhD Candidate in Business Management (Policymaking), Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: human resource management, Theme Analysis, Family Business, sustainability of human resources,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to design a model of human resource sustainability for family business. The study was conducted within the framework of a qualitative approach using the six-step content analysis method of Brown and Clark (2006). The statistical population of the study included the managers and founders of family businesses dating back more than 30 years in the provinces of Kermanshah, Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan in 1400. In this study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 managers and founders of this type of business, who were recruited using snowball sampling method with the aim of achieving theoretical data saturation. The model of human resource sustainability in family businesses was presented in the form of 1 comprehensive theme, 5 organizing themes and 23 basic themes. In order to determine the validity of the research, two methods of reviewing the participants and reviewing the non-participating experts (faculty members) were used. The findings showed that the organizational themes (strategic functions) related to the model of human resource sustainability for family businesses including maintaining family integrity, sustainable education based on family upbringing principles, family organizational culture, payment system and reward based on need family needs and work-life balance systems.
Abdelkafi, N., & Täuscher, K. (2016). Business models for sustainability from a system dynamics perspective. Organization & Environment, 29(1), 74-96.
Aghajani. Nasrollah, (2002), Participation of Family Members, Strategic Studies of Women, (16), 41-54, (In Persian).
Abdullahzadeh, Gholam Hossein, Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharif. (2015). Integrating Sustainability in the Entrepreneurship Process: Explaining the Concept, Necessity and Necessities of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Green Business, Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 1(3), 39-63, (In Persian).
Arman. Mani, Hosseini Seyed Yaghoub, Tangestani. Elham, (2016), The effect of social capital and human resource maturity on sustainable human resource management (Case study: companies active in the petrochemical industry), Social Capital Management Quarterly, 3(1), 113-138, (In Persian).
Adomako, S., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Danso, A., Konadu, R., & Owusu-Agyei, S. (2019). Environmental sustainability orientation and performance of family and nonfamily firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(6), 1250-1259.
Anlesinya, A. and Susomrith, P. (2020), Sustainable human resource management: a systematic review of a developing field, Journal of Global Responsibility, 11(3), 295-324.
Braun, Virginia; Victoria Clarke (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 3 (2), 83.
Barrett, M. A. & Moores, K. (2020). What and how of Family business paradox: Literature-inspired distillations and directions. The International Small Business Journal, 38 (3), 154-183.
Biondi, V., Iraldo, F., & Meredith, S. (2002). Achieving sustainability through environmental innovation: the role of SMEs. International Journal of Technology Management, 24(5-6), 612-626.
Björnberg. Åsa, Ana. Karina Dias, Heinz-Peter Elstrodt, (2016), Fine-tuning family businesses for a new era,
Block, J. H., & Wagner, M. (2014). The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from large US firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(7), 475-492.
Blodgett, M. S., Dumas, C., & Zanzi, A. (2011). Emerging trends in global ethics: A comparative study of US and international family business values. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(1), 29-38.
Chams. Nour and Josep. García-Blandón, (2019), On the importance of sustainable human resource management for the adoption of sustainable development goals, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 141, 109-122.
Chatzidakis. Andreas, Deirdre. Shaw, (2018), Sustainability: Issues of Scale, Care and Consumption, British Journal of Management, 29(2), 299–315.
Chirico, F., Salvato, C., Byrne, B., Akhter, N., & Arriaga Múzquiz, J. (2018). Commitment escalation to a failing family business. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(3), 494-512.
Chirico. Francesco, Luis R. Gómez-Mejia, Karin Hellerstedt, Michael Withers, Mattias Nordqvist, (2020), To Merge, Sell, or Liquidate? Socioemotional Wealth, Family Control, and the Choice of Business Exit, Journal of Management, 46(8), 1342-1379.
Clabi, Amir Mohammad. (2020). Modeling Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Business Models, Public Management Research, 13(47), 11-134, (In Persian).
Crilly. Donal, Morten. Hansen, Maurizio. Zollo, (2016), The Grammar of Decoupling: A Cognitive-Linguistic Perspective on Firms’ Sustainability Claims and Stakeholders’ Interpretation, Academy of Management Journal, 59(2),705–729.
Dangelico, R. M., Pontrandolfo, P., & Pujari, D. (2013). Developing Sustainable New Products in the Textile and Upholstered Furniture Industries: Role of External Integrative Capabilities. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(4), 642-658.
Danaai fard. Hassan, Emami. Seyed Mojtaba, (2007), Qualitative Research Strategies: Reflections on Foundation Data Theorizing, Strategic Management Thought, 1(2), 69-97, (In Persian).
Drucker. Peter, (2006), What Executives Should Remember, Harvard Business Review.
Dyer Jr, W. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2006). Family firms and social responsibility: Preliminary evidence from the S&P 500. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(6), 785-802.
Du, X. (2015). Is corporate philanthropy used as environmental misconduct dressing: Evidence from Chinese family-owned firms, Journal of Business Ethics, 129(2), 341– 361.
Eccles, R. G., Ioannou, I., & Serafeim, G. (2014). The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance. Management Science, 60(11), 2835-2857.
Erdogan, I., Rondi, E., De Massis, A. (2020). Managing the tradition and innovation paradox in family firms: A family imprinting perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(1), 20-54.
Feghhi Farahmand, N., and Zanjani, S. (2013), The Examinitaion Of Realationship Between Employees Conceptions From Dimention Of Work Ethic With Job Satisfaction And Job Stress( Case study: Technical Training Organization), Journal Of Sociology Studies, 5(18), 103-118.
Gallo, M. A. (2004). The family business and its social responsibilities. Family business review, 17(2), 135-148.
Gedajlovic. Eric, Michael. Carney, James J. Chrisman, Franz W. Kellermanns, (2012), The Adolescence of Family Firm Research: Taking Stock and Planning for the Future, Journal of Management, 38(4), 1010–1037.
Gómez-Mejía, L. R., Haynes, K. T., Núñez-Nickel, M., Jacobson, K. J., & Moyano-Fuentes, J. (2007). Socioemotional wealth and business risks in family-controlled firms: Evidence from Spanish olive oil mills. Administrative science quarterly, 52(1), 106-137.
Günter K. Stahl, Chris J. Brewster, David G. Collings, Aida Hajro, (2020), Enhancing the role of human resource management in corporate sustainability and social responsibility: A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 482-513.
Hahn, T., Figge, F., Aragón-Correa, J., & Sharma, S., (2017). Advancing research on corporate sustainability: Off to pastures new or back to the roots? Business & Society Journal, 56(2), 155-185.
Hengst. Iris-Ariane, Paula. Jarzabkowski, Martin. Hoegl, Miriam. Muethel, (2020), Toward a Process Theory of Making Sustainability Strategies Legitimate in Action, Academy of Management Journal, 63(1), 246–271.
Irandoost. Abdullah, Ghavamipour. Mohsen, Ebrahimnejad. Ruhollah, (2012), A Study of Key Challenges of Family Businesses in Iran, First International Conference on Management, Innovation and National Production, Qom, (In Persian).
James W. Westerman, Madasu Bhaskara Rao, Sita Vanka, Manish Gupta, (2020), Sustainable human resource management and the triple bottom line: multi-stakeholder strategies, concepts, and engagement, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 674-696.
Jafarvand, Farshad. Fathi, Soroush, (2015), An Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital and Happiness in Student Life (Case Study: Students of Tehran Science and Research Branch), Iranian Social Development Studies, 7(3), 81-95, (In Persian).
Jiazhe. Sun, Shunan. Wu, Kaizhong. Yang, (2017), An eco-systemic framework for business sustainability, Business Horizons Journal, 61(1), 59-72.
Jun-Koo. Kang, Jungmin. Kim, (2019), Do Family Firms Invest More than Nonfamily Firms in Employee-Friendly Policies? Management Science Journal, 66(3), 1300-1324.
Khabazi Ravandi. MohammadReza, Farahbakhsh Kiomers, Agheli. Lotfali, (2014), The relationship between family performance and economic performance in family businesses (Case study: Machine carpet industry in Kashan, Aran and Bidgol), Counseling Culture and Psychotherapy, 5(17), 42-66, (In Persian).
Katarzyna. Piwowar-Sulej, (2021), Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM – with the focus on production engineers, Journal of Cleaner Production, 278(12), 1-14.
Hahn, T., Figge, F., Aragón-Correa, J., & Sharma, S., (2017). Advancing research on corporate sustainability: Off to pastures new or back to the roots? Business & Society Journal, 56(2): 155-185.
Langella. Dao, V, I., & Carbo, J. (2011). From green to sustainability: Information Technology and an integrated sustainability framework. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(1), 63-79.
Landrum. Nancy E., (2017), Stages of Corporate Sustainability: Integrating the Strong Sustainability Worldview, Organization & Environment Journal, 31(4), 287-313.
Lansberg, Ivan, Edith Perrow, and Sharon Rogolski. (1988), Family Business as an Emerging Field. Family Business Review, 1, 1–8.
Maghsudi. Tahmasb, (2017), Identifying the factors affecting the sustainability of small businesses in the agricultural sector of Khuzestan province, Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 10(2), 11-20, (In Persian).
McElroy and Van Engelen. (2011), Corporate Sustainability Management: The Art and Science of Managing Non-Financial Performance, Routledge press; 1st edition, 1-242.
Mark M. Davis, Euthemia Stavrulaki, Adi Wolfson, (2018), A Framework for Increasing Sustainability in Services. Service Science Journal,10(2), 139-153.
Moghimi. Seyed Mohammad, Seyed Amiri. Nader, (2010), Factors Affecting the Growth and Development of Family Companies in Tehran Province: A Research in the Textile and Petroleum Industries. Iranian Journal of Management Sciences Quarterly, 5(18), 77-104, (In Persian).
Morioka, S. N., Bolis, I., Evans, S., & Carvalho, M. M. (2017). Transforming sustainability challenges into competitive advantage: Multiple case studies kaleidoscope converging into sustainable business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 723-738.
Nataliya. Podgorodnichenko, Fiona. Edgar, Ian. McAndrew, (2020), The role of HRM in developing sustainable organizations: Contemporary challenges and contradictions, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 432-468.
Neckebrouck. Jeroen, William. Schulze, Thomas. Zellweger, (2018), Are Family Firms Good Employers? Academy of Management Journal, 61(2), 553–585.
Olsen, A. Ø., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2016). Coordinated exploration for grand challenges: The role of advocacy groups in search consortia. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 2232-2255.
Porter, M. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, 74(6), 61–78.
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Setayesh, Sami. Nargesian, Abbas Shah Hosseini, Mohammad Ali Manzoor, Davood, (2020), Providing a framework for explaining the dimensions and components of human resource development in project-based organizations (case study; Ministry of Energy), Human Resource Management Research, 12(2), 63-100, (In Persian).
Seyad Abbaszadeh. Mir Mohammad, Hassani Mohammad, Bazargan. Abbas, Nami. Kolsoom, (2019), Sustainable Human Resources Development: The Effects of Knowledge Management Channel and Organizational Factors, Quarterly Journal of New Approach in Educational Management, 9(2), 1-21, (In Persian).
Sharafi. Leila, Rezaei. Ruhollah, Mirkzadeh. Ali Asghar, Karami Dehkordi. Esmaeil, (2020), Designing a Sustainability Model for Small and Medium Agricultural Businesses in Kermanshah Province, Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 12, (2), 11-24, (In Persian).
Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharif, Abdullahzadeh, Gholam Hossein. (2018). Comparative Assessment of the Sustainability of Agricultural Entrepreneurial Businesses and Conventional Agricultural Production Systems in Golestan Province, Agricultural Extension and Education Sciences, 13(2), 1-20, (In Persian).
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Zanjani, S., Iranzadeh, S., Khadivi, A., Feghhi Farahmand, N. (2020), Designing a Corporate Growth Strategy Based on Ansoff Matrix Using Fuzzy Inference System, nnovation Management in Defense Organizations 3 (2), 151-178.
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_||_Abdelkafi, N., & Täuscher, K. (2016). Business models for sustainability from a system dynamics perspective. Organization & Environment, 29(1), 74-96.
Aghajani. Nasrollah, (2002), Participation of Family Members, Strategic Studies of Women, (16), 41-54, (In Persian).
Abdullahzadeh, Gholam Hossein, Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharif. (2015). Integrating Sustainability in the Entrepreneurship Process: Explaining the Concept, Necessity and Necessities of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Green Business, Entrepreneurship in Agriculture, 1(3), 39-63, (In Persian).
Arman. Mani, Hosseini Seyed Yaghoub, Tangestani. Elham, (2016), The effect of social capital and human resource maturity on sustainable human resource management (Case study: companies active in the petrochemical industry), Social Capital Management Quarterly, 3(1), 113-138, (In Persian).
Adomako, S., Amankwah-Amoah, J., Danso, A., Konadu, R., & Owusu-Agyei, S. (2019). Environmental sustainability orientation and performance of family and nonfamily firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28(6), 1250-1259.
Anlesinya, A. and Susomrith, P. (2020), Sustainable human resource management: a systematic review of a developing field, Journal of Global Responsibility, 11(3), 295-324.
Braun, Virginia; Victoria Clarke (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 3 (2), 83.
Barrett, M. A. & Moores, K. (2020). What and how of Family business paradox: Literature-inspired distillations and directions. The International Small Business Journal, 38 (3), 154-183.
Biondi, V., Iraldo, F., & Meredith, S. (2002). Achieving sustainability through environmental innovation: the role of SMEs. International Journal of Technology Management, 24(5-6), 612-626.
Björnberg. Åsa, Ana. Karina Dias, Heinz-Peter Elstrodt, (2016), Fine-tuning family businesses for a new era,
Block, J. H., & Wagner, M. (2014). The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from large US firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(7), 475-492.
Blodgett, M. S., Dumas, C., & Zanzi, A. (2011). Emerging trends in global ethics: A comparative study of US and international family business values. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(1), 29-38.
Chams. Nour and Josep. García-Blandón, (2019), On the importance of sustainable human resource management for the adoption of sustainable development goals, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 141, 109-122.
Chatzidakis. Andreas, Deirdre. Shaw, (2018), Sustainability: Issues of Scale, Care and Consumption, British Journal of Management, 29(2), 299–315.
Chirico, F., Salvato, C., Byrne, B., Akhter, N., & Arriaga Múzquiz, J. (2018). Commitment escalation to a failing family business. Journal of Small Business Management, 56(3), 494-512.
Chirico. Francesco, Luis R. Gómez-Mejia, Karin Hellerstedt, Michael Withers, Mattias Nordqvist, (2020), To Merge, Sell, or Liquidate? Socioemotional Wealth, Family Control, and the Choice of Business Exit, Journal of Management, 46(8), 1342-1379.
Clabi, Amir Mohammad. (2020). Modeling Factors Affecting the Sustainability of Business Models, Public Management Research, 13(47), 11-134, (In Persian).
Crilly. Donal, Morten. Hansen, Maurizio. Zollo, (2016), The Grammar of Decoupling: A Cognitive-Linguistic Perspective on Firms’ Sustainability Claims and Stakeholders’ Interpretation, Academy of Management Journal, 59(2),705–729.
Dangelico, R. M., Pontrandolfo, P., & Pujari, D. (2013). Developing Sustainable New Products in the Textile and Upholstered Furniture Industries: Role of External Integrative Capabilities. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(4), 642-658.
Danaai fard. Hassan, Emami. Seyed Mojtaba, (2007), Qualitative Research Strategies: Reflections on Foundation Data Theorizing, Strategic Management Thought, 1(2), 69-97, (In Persian).
Drucker. Peter, (2006), What Executives Should Remember, Harvard Business Review.
Dyer Jr, W. G., & Whetten, D. A. (2006). Family firms and social responsibility: Preliminary evidence from the S&P 500. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30(6), 785-802.
Du, X. (2015). Is corporate philanthropy used as environmental misconduct dressing: Evidence from Chinese family-owned firms, Journal of Business Ethics, 129(2), 341– 361.
Eccles, R. G., Ioannou, I., & Serafeim, G. (2014). The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance. Management Science, 60(11), 2835-2857.
Erdogan, I., Rondi, E., De Massis, A. (2020). Managing the tradition and innovation paradox in family firms: A family imprinting perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(1), 20-54.
Feghhi Farahmand, N., and Zanjani, S. (2013), The Examinitaion Of Realationship Between Employees Conceptions From Dimention Of Work Ethic With Job Satisfaction And Job Stress( Case study: Technical Training Organization), Journal Of Sociology Studies, 5(18), 103-118.
Gallo, M. A. (2004). The family business and its social responsibilities. Family business review, 17(2), 135-148.
Gedajlovic. Eric, Michael. Carney, James J. Chrisman, Franz W. Kellermanns, (2012), The Adolescence of Family Firm Research: Taking Stock and Planning for the Future, Journal of Management, 38(4), 1010–1037.
Gómez-Mejía, L. R., Haynes, K. T., Núñez-Nickel, M., Jacobson, K. J., & Moyano-Fuentes, J. (2007). Socioemotional wealth and business risks in family-controlled firms: Evidence from Spanish olive oil mills. Administrative science quarterly, 52(1), 106-137.
Günter K. Stahl, Chris J. Brewster, David G. Collings, Aida Hajro, (2020), Enhancing the role of human resource management in corporate sustainability and social responsibility: A multi-stakeholder, multidimensional approach to HRM, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 482-513.
Hahn, T., Figge, F., Aragón-Correa, J., & Sharma, S., (2017). Advancing research on corporate sustainability: Off to pastures new or back to the roots? Business & Society Journal, 56(2), 155-185.
Hengst. Iris-Ariane, Paula. Jarzabkowski, Martin. Hoegl, Miriam. Muethel, (2020), Toward a Process Theory of Making Sustainability Strategies Legitimate in Action, Academy of Management Journal, 63(1), 246–271.
Irandoost. Abdullah, Ghavamipour. Mohsen, Ebrahimnejad. Ruhollah, (2012), A Study of Key Challenges of Family Businesses in Iran, First International Conference on Management, Innovation and National Production, Qom, (In Persian).
James W. Westerman, Madasu Bhaskara Rao, Sita Vanka, Manish Gupta, (2020), Sustainable human resource management and the triple bottom line: multi-stakeholder strategies, concepts, and engagement, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 674-696.
Jafarvand, Farshad. Fathi, Soroush, (2015), An Analysis of the Relationship between Social Capital and Happiness in Student Life (Case Study: Students of Tehran Science and Research Branch), Iranian Social Development Studies, 7(3), 81-95, (In Persian).
Jiazhe. Sun, Shunan. Wu, Kaizhong. Yang, (2017), An eco-systemic framework for business sustainability, Business Horizons Journal, 61(1), 59-72.
Jun-Koo. Kang, Jungmin. Kim, (2019), Do Family Firms Invest More than Nonfamily Firms in Employee-Friendly Policies? Management Science Journal, 66(3), 1300-1324.
Khabazi Ravandi. MohammadReza, Farahbakhsh Kiomers, Agheli. Lotfali, (2014), The relationship between family performance and economic performance in family businesses (Case study: Machine carpet industry in Kashan, Aran and Bidgol), Counseling Culture and Psychotherapy, 5(17), 42-66, (In Persian).
Katarzyna. Piwowar-Sulej, (2021), Human resources development as an element of sustainable HRM – with the focus on production engineers, Journal of Cleaner Production, 278(12), 1-14.
Hahn, T., Figge, F., Aragón-Correa, J., & Sharma, S., (2017). Advancing research on corporate sustainability: Off to pastures new or back to the roots? Business & Society Journal, 56(2): 155-185.
Langella. Dao, V, I., & Carbo, J. (2011). From green to sustainability: Information Technology and an integrated sustainability framework. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(1), 63-79.
Landrum. Nancy E., (2017), Stages of Corporate Sustainability: Integrating the Strong Sustainability Worldview, Organization & Environment Journal, 31(4), 287-313.
Lansberg, Ivan, Edith Perrow, and Sharon Rogolski. (1988), Family Business as an Emerging Field. Family Business Review, 1, 1–8.
Maghsudi. Tahmasb, (2017), Identifying the factors affecting the sustainability of small businesses in the agricultural sector of Khuzestan province, Quarterly Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 10(2), 11-20, (In Persian).
McElroy and Van Engelen. (2011), Corporate Sustainability Management: The Art and Science of Managing Non-Financial Performance, Routledge press; 1st edition, 1-242.
Mark M. Davis, Euthemia Stavrulaki, Adi Wolfson, (2018), A Framework for Increasing Sustainability in Services. Service Science Journal,10(2), 139-153.
Moghimi. Seyed Mohammad, Seyed Amiri. Nader, (2010), Factors Affecting the Growth and Development of Family Companies in Tehran Province: A Research in the Textile and Petroleum Industries. Iranian Journal of Management Sciences Quarterly, 5(18), 77-104, (In Persian).
Morioka, S. N., Bolis, I., Evans, S., & Carvalho, M. M. (2017). Transforming sustainability challenges into competitive advantage: Multiple case studies kaleidoscope converging into sustainable business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 167, 723-738.
Nataliya. Podgorodnichenko, Fiona. Edgar, Ian. McAndrew, (2020), The role of HRM in developing sustainable organizations: Contemporary challenges and contradictions, Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 432-468.
Neckebrouck. Jeroen, William. Schulze, Thomas. Zellweger, (2018), Are Family Firms Good Employers? Academy of Management Journal, 61(2), 553–585.
Olsen, A. Ø., Sofka, W., & Grimpe, C. (2016). Coordinated exploration for grand challenges: The role of advocacy groups in search consortia. Academy of Management Journal, 59(6), 2232-2255.
Porter, M. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, 74(6), 61–78.
Rohracher, H. (2001). Managing the technological transition to sustainable construction of buildings: A socio-technical perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 13(1), 137-150.
Samei, Hossein, Feyzbakhsh, Seyed Alireza. (2014). Methods of Organizational Entrepreneurship Development in Iranian Entrepreneur Family Enterprises. Iranian Journal of Management Sciences Quarterly, 8(31), 1-37, (In Persian).
Setayesh, Sami. Nargesian, Abbas Shah Hosseini, Mohammad Ali Manzoor, Davood, (2020), Providing a framework for explaining the dimensions and components of human resource development in project-based organizations (case study; Ministry of Energy), Human Resource Management Research, 12(2), 63-100, (In Persian).
Seyad Abbaszadeh. Mir Mohammad, Hassani Mohammad, Bazargan. Abbas, Nami. Kolsoom, (2019), Sustainable Human Resources Development: The Effects of Knowledge Management Channel and Organizational Factors, Quarterly Journal of New Approach in Educational Management, 9(2), 1-21, (In Persian).
Sharafi. Leila, Rezaei. Ruhollah, Mirkzadeh. Ali Asghar, Karami Dehkordi. Esmaeil, (2020), Designing a Sustainability Model for Small and Medium Agricultural Businesses in Kermanshah Province, Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education Research, 12, (2), 11-24, (In Persian).
Sharifzadeh, Mohammad Sharif, Abdullahzadeh, Gholam Hossein. (2018). Comparative Assessment of the Sustainability of Agricultural Entrepreneurial Businesses and Conventional Agricultural Production Systems in Golestan Province, Agricultural Extension and Education Sciences, 13(2), 1-20, (In Persian).
Schneider, S., & Claub, T. (2019). Business Models for Sustainability: Choices and Consequences. Organization & Environment: 33(3), 384-407.
Schumpeter, (2016), Succession failure, The Economist, 2(4),
Smith, W. K., Erez, M., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Lewis, M. W., & Tracey, P. (2017), Paradox, tensions and dualities of innovation and change. Organization Studies Journal, 38(3-4), 303-317.
Surampalli .Rao Y, Tian C. Zhang, Manish Kumar Goyal, Satinder K. Brar, R. D. Tyagi, (2020), Sustainability: Fundamentals and Applications, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN 9781119433897.
Tharanga. Rajapakshe, Subodha. Kumar, Arun. Sen, Chelliah. Sriskandarajah, (2020), Sustainability Planning for Healthcare Information Exchanges with Supplier Rebate Program. Operations Research Journal, 68(3), 793-817.
Valente. Mike, Christine .Oliver, (2018), Meta-Organization Formation and Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Organization Science Journal, 29(4), 678-701.
Xiang, D., Chen, J. K., Tripe, D., & Zhang, N. (2019). Family firms, sustainable innovation and financing cost: Evidence from Chinese hi-tech small and medium-sized enterprises. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 499-511.
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