Presenting a Model of Social Capital in Improving Effective Organizational Structure (case Study: Regional Electricity Companies of Iran)
Subject Areas : governmental management
Omid Karavand
Vahid Chenari
Ghanbar Amir nejad
1 - Ph.D. candidate, Department of Public Administration, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof.,Department of Public Administration , Shoushtar Branch , Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran
3 - Associate prof., Department of Public Administration , Shoushtar Branch , Islamic Azad University , Shoushtar, Iran.
Keywords: Social capital, Effective Organizational Structure, Regional Electric Companies of Iran,
Abstract :
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of social capital in improving effective organizational structure. This quantitative applied research employed a descriptive -correlational design.The statistical population of this study consisted of two groups of experts and all employees, including 36 experts and 6584 employees of regional electricity companies in Iran. To answer the research questionnaire, all 36 experts were selected by census method and 363 employees were recruited through stratified random sampling. The data were collected using a questionnaire whose reliability was estimated through Cronbach's alpha. Normality tests and Structural Equation Modeling were conducted via SPSS and PLS softwares to analyze the data. The findings emerging from the study revealed that social capital and its six dimensions, namely cultural, communication, political, economic, cognitive and structural, have a positive significant effect on organizational structure.
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Acharya, A. & Mishra B., (2016).Exploring the relationship between organizational structure and knowledge retention : a study of the Indian infrastructure consulting sector", Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(4), 961-985.
Ahmadi, A., Barzegar, M. And Izadi, M.A. (2013), the relationship between organizational structure and organizational effectiveness and empowerment among education staff in Shiraz city, Educational Management Innovations, 3(8), 18-7. [In Persian]
Ahmadpour, A. And Davari, K. (2018), Investigating the Relationship between Structural Dimensions and Organizational Trust and its Impact on Improving the Personal Performance of Employees of Ahvaz Education Department in 2016, Second International Conference on New Developments in Management, Economics and Accounting, Tehran, Allameh Khoi Institute of Higher Education Kush International. [In Persian]
Akbari, A. (2004). The Role of Social Capital in Participation: Investigating the Impact of Social Capital on Political, Social Participation (Case Study of Farsanj Village from Saqez Functions). M.Sc., Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran. [In Persian]
Alvani, M., Rahmani, M. And Mohammad Nejad, A. (2012). Designing a Model for Improving Citizens' Social Capital Level in the Age of Globalization, Strategic Studies in Public Policy, 3, 1-30[In Persian]
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Arian, R. S. & John, G., & Martin, J. (2015), "Structural Organizational Effectiveness Factors"
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Bakker Y.W., J. de Koning, J. van Tatenhove (2019) Resilience and social capital: The engagement of fisheries communities in marine spatial planning, Marine Policy, 99, 139-132.
Basol, E. H., & Dogerlioglu, O. L. (2014). The relationship between organizational characteristics and the structure of the information services function. Mis Quarterly, 4(2), 68-57.
Borisova, E., Govorun, A., Ivanov, D., & Levina, I. (2018). Social capital and preferences for redistribution to target groups. European Journal of Political Economy, 54, 56-67.
Carrillo Álvarez, E., & Riera Romaní, J. (2017). Measuring social capital: further insights. Gaceta sanitaria, 31, 57-61.
Cenk Sozen, H. (2012). Social networks and power in organizations: A research on the roles and positions of the junior level secretaries in an organizational network. Personnel Review, 41(4), 487-512.
Chu, Z., Feng, B., & Lai, F. (2018). Logistics service innovation by third party logistics providers in China: Aligning guanxi and organizational structure. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 118, 291-307.
Clark, A. K. (2015). Rethinking the Decline in Social Capital. American Politics Research, 43(4), 569-601
Cox, A. B. (2017). Cohorts, ‘“Siblings,”’ and Mentors: Organizational Structures and the Creation of Social Capital. Sociology of Education, 90(1), 47-63
Cristóbal J.R. San, V. Fernández, E. Diaz (2018) An analysis of the main project organizational structures: Advantages, disadvantages, and factors affecting their selection, Procedia Computer Science, 138, 791-798
Davoodi, A. And Rasouli, M. (2020), A Study of the Impact of Cultural and Social Capital on the Establishment of Knowledge Management in Universities and Presenting a Desirable Model for It (Case Study: Islamic Azad University of Tehran), Productivity Management Journal, (51) 13, 214- 195.
Farrokhi, T. And Gorji, M. 2014 Investigating the Relationship between Organizational Structure and Social Capital, Improvement Management Studies, 2 (11), 85-85. [In Persian]
Felício, J. A., Couto, E., & Caiado, J. (2014). Human capital, social capital and organizational performance. Management Decision, 52(2), 350-364.
Gölgeci, I., & Kuivalainen, O. (2020). Does social capital matter for supply chain resilience? The role of absorptive capacity and marketing-supply chain management alignment. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 63-74.
González, C., Johnson, N., & Lundy, M. (2006). Social capital and organizational structure in Colombian enterprises. In Research Workshop on Collective Action and Market Access for Smallholders, 1-17.
Iran Nejad Parizi, M. And Hosseinzadeh, A. (2011). Presenting an Effective Organizational Social Capital Model (Case Study: Governmental Organizations of Khorasan Razavi Province). Public Policy Management, No. 2, 17-34. [In Persian]
Karimi, M., Khanifar, H. And Taherinejad, F. (2015). Designing a Conceptual Model of the Components of Social Capital from the Perspective of the Islamic System. Social Capital Management, 2 (4), 605-630. [In Persian]
Mahmoudi, d. (2017). The Study of "The Effect of Organizational Structure on Organizational Effectiveness in Islamic Azad University", Productivity Management (Beyond Management) 5, (11), 69-74. [In Persian]
Murad Ali, Imran Ali, Khalid A. Al-Maimani, Kichan Park (2018) The effect of organizational structure on absorptive capacity in single and dual learning modes, Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 108-114.
Pena-López, J. A., & Sánchez-Santos, J. M. (2017). Individual social capital: Accessibility and mobilization of resources embedded in social networks. Social Networks, 49, 1-11.
Pillai, K. G., Hodgkinson, G. P., Kalyanaram, G., & Nair, S. R. (2017). The negative effects of social capital in organizations: A review and extension. International Journal of Management Reviews, 19(1), 97-124.
Qasemi, V., Ismaili, R., And Rabiei, K. (2016). Social Capital Leveling in Isfahan Province, Social Welfare Quarterly, (23) 6. [In Persian]
Rahbar, A. And Heidari, F. (2011). The Impact of Social Capital on Policy Improvement. International Relations Studies, 4 (14), 219-253. [In Persian]
Shukri, F. And Nourizadeh, P. (2016). Investigating the Role of Organizational Structure Dimensions in the Status of Social Capital in the Social Security Organization, International Conference on Management and Resistance Economics, Malaysia, Iran Modern Training Development Center Drawing on the actual structure of the organization: a combination of formal and informal structure. [In Persian]
Sulistyo, H., & Ayuni, S. (2020). Competitive advantages of SMEs: The roles of innovation capability, entrepreneurial orientation, and social capital. Contaduría y Administración, 65(1), 156.