Providing a model of resource management in sustainable supply chain in the selected industries with a comparative approach of K-mean methods, principal component analysis and random forests
Subject Areas : Industrial ManagementAsieh Soltanmohamadi 1 , Davood Andalib Ardakani 2 , Habib Zare ahmadabadi 3 , Hajar Soleymanizadeh 4
1 - Ph.D. candidate, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
4 - Ph.D. candidate, Department of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
Keywords: Resource Management, Sustainable supply chain management, production industries,
Abstract :
Resource management is one of the most important practices in sustainability. Resource management, due to the scarcity of resources, requires attention and scientific-based organizing. Manufacturing industries are among the largest centers of resource consumption, especially natural resources. Therefore, different industries need to be committed to the principles of sustainable development in meeting their needs. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide a model of resource management in sustainable supply chain in the selected industries. To do so, first, resource management indicators in the sustainable supply chain have been identified based on the previous studies and the experts’ opinions, and then, a model of indicators have provided in order to show their importance in the different industry by applying three methods of K-average, principal component analysis and random forests. In order to gather data, a survey-based questionnaire is used. The results demonstrate that environmental management and cross-functional cooperation indicators in the automotive industry are the most important indicators. In ceramic tile industry, social issues and human resource management indicators are important but, in the steel industry, social issues and environmental management indicators were important. In the foodstuffs industry, quality management, cross-functional cooperation indicators and human resource management have great importance. In addition, in the textile industry, the quality management indicator was the most important one. The results obtained from the various industries provide practical suggestions for prioritizing improvement practices for resource utilization for having sustainable supply chain.
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UNESCO.(2012), Education for sustainable development. Three terms and one goal. Retrieved from http// –theinternational- agenda,
UNIDO,(2009), Strategy to increase the effective and competitive participation of small and medium industries in the economic and industrial development of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Masoud, Shafiee & Abdolreza Shaghaghi ,gisoom,Rasa,
Wan, X., Liu, X., Du, Z., & Du, Y,(2021),A novel model used for assessing supply chain sustainability integrating the ANP and ER approaches and its application in marine ranching. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 12350
Abbas, J. (2020). Impact of total quality management on corporate green performance through the mediating role of corporate social responsibility. Journal of Cleaner Production, 242, 118458.
Andres-Jimenez, J., Medina-Merodio, J. A., Fernandez-Sanz, L., Martinez-Herraiz, J. J., & Ruiz-Pardo, E,(2020), An Intelligent Framework for the Evaluation of Compliance with the Requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. Sustainability, 12,13, 5471.
Agi, M. A., & Nishant, R. (2017). Understanding influential factors on implementing green supply chain management practices: An interpretive structural modelling analysis. Journal of environmental management, 188, 351-363.
Al-Dhaafri, H. S., & Alosani, M. S, (2020), Impact of total quality management, organisational excellence and entrepreneurial orientation on organisational performance: empirical evidence from the public sector in UAE. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27, 9,2497-2519.
Assad Zamaneh, K., kanaani, M., Mousavi, S.H,(2006), analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: technology development management for small and medium industries (SMEs), Seventh Congress on government, university and industry for National development, Isfahan Industrial and research Park, Toseeh Farda Institute,1-3.
Bastas, A., & Liyanage, K. (2018). Sustainable supply chain quality management: A systematic review. Journal of cleaner production, 181, 726-744.
Farzad, Karimi & Yousef, Hassan Pourkarsalari,(2019), Ranking of small and medium industries in Isfahan province with the approach of evaluating the performance of determinants of competitive advantage, Quarterly Journal of Economic Research and Policy, 17, 51 , 5-24[in persian]
Lu, M. T., Tsai, J. F., Shen, S. P., Lin, M. H., & Hu, Y. C,(2020), Estimating sustainable development performance in the electrical wire and cable industry: Applying the integrated fuzzy MADM approach. Journal of Cleaner Production,vol. 277, 122440.
Lo, S. M., Zhang, S., Wang, Z., & Zhao, X,(2018), The impact of relationship quality and supplier development on green supply chain integration: A mediation and moderation analysis. Journal of cleaner production, 202, 524-535.
Lueg, R., & Radlach, R,(2016), Managing sustainable development with management control systems: A literature review. European Management Journal, 34, 2,158-171.
Mangla, S. K., Kumar, P., & Barua, M. K. (2015). Risk analysis in green supply chain using fuzzy AHP approach: A case study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 104, 375-390.
Moradi, M., & Zandipak, R,(2020), The role of industry clustering technology in biological behavior and sustainable development with a green human resource management approach and green modernization. Strategic Studies of public policy, 10, 34, 172-199[in persian].
Meysam, Jafari Eskandari & Sogol, Saremi,(2019), Evaluation of Stable Performance in Uncertainty Conditions Using Balanced Scorecard and Shannon Entropy Based on Three-Parameter Gray Delphi Technique (Case Study: Solar Industries in Iran), Journal of Energy Engineering and Management, 8, 4, 28-37[in persian].
Rahdari, A. H., & Rostamy, A. A. A,(2015), Designing a general set of sustainability indicators at the corporate level. Journal of Cleaner Production, 108, (2015), 757-771[in persian].
Raynard, P., & Forstater, M,(2002), Corporate social responsibility: Implications for small and medium enterprises in developing countries.
Shahzad, M., Qu, Y., Ur Rehman, S., Zafar, A. U., Ding, X., & Abbas, J,(2020), Impact of knowledge absorptive capacity on corporate sustainability with mediating role of CSR: Analysis from the Asian context. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 63,2, 0148-174.
Savino, M. M., & Shafiq, M,(2018), An extensive study to assess the sustainability drivers of production performances using a resource-based view and contingency analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204,744-752.
Soltanmohammadi, A., Andalib Ardakani, D., Dion, P. A., & Hettiarachchi, B. D. (2021). Employing total quality practices in sustainable supply chain management. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 953-968.
Soltanmohammadi, A., Andalib Ardakani, D.,(2018). Application of R software in management. Yazd University publication,6008571622,316.
Shah Hosseini, Mohammad Ali & Jewelry Shalmani, Seyedeh Forouzan & Hassangholi Pouriasuri, Tahmourth & Rostami, Ali,(2019), Evaluation and comparison of key indicators of sustainable development performance in the petrochemical industry using SMAA and SMAA-S.Journal of Industrial Management (Management Knowledge),11, 2, 273-302[in persian].
Tian, Y., Govindan, K., & Zhu, Q. (2014). A system dynamics model based on evolutionary game theory for green supply chain management diffusion among Chinese manufacturers. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80, 96-105.
Turner, M. R., McIntosh, T., Reid, S. W., & Buckley, M. R,(2019), Corporate implementation of socially controversial CSR initiatives: Implications for human resource management. Human Resource Management Review, 29, 1, 125-136.
UNESCO.(2012), Education for sustainable development. Three terms and one goal. Retrieved from http// –theinternational- agenda,
UNIDO,(2009), Strategy to increase the effective and competitive participation of small and medium industries in the economic and industrial development of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Masoud, Shafiee & Abdolreza Shaghaghi ,gisoom,Rasa,
Wan, X., Liu, X., Du, Z., & Du, Y,(2021),A novel model used for assessing supply chain sustainability integrating the ANP and ER approaches and its application in marine ranching. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 12350