An Analysis of the Challenges of Family Privacy and the Rights of its Members in Imami Jurisprudence
Subject Areas : Islamic-Iranian Family Studies Journal
Ali َAghajani
Mohammad Ali Heydari
Mohsen Fahim
1 - Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law of Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Department of Theology, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University of Najafabad Branch, Iran
3 - Department of Theology, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Jurisprudence, Privacy, Family, Challenges, Couples,
Abstract :
Objective: Privacy is one of the most important topics in jurisprudence and national and international laws. It is highly significant in the context of family to protect the information of family members and preserve their rights and personal privacy. Considering social changes, technological advancements and their impact on laws and procedures, as well as contradictions in some jurisprudential orders, challenges in family privacy can be identified. Jurisprudence needs to adapt to these changes and alter its decision-making accordingly. Therefore, this research aims to examine and identify the most important challenges in family privacy from a jurisprudential perspective. Method: This research is conducted using a descriptive-analytical method. Findings: Based on library studies and jurisprudential discussions, six main challenges have been identified, including male dominance in the family, paternal authority over children, housing and residency rights, procreation and male dominance over it, divorce rights and remarriage of the husband, and child custody and remarriage of the wife. Conclusion: Developing a comprehensive and accurate understanding of these challenges will provide necessary guidance for criticism and decision-making in the field of family privacy within jurisprudential laws. Therefore, considering the importance of this issue, it is recommended that experts, jurists, and researchers interested in the field of jurisprudence and family privacy refer to this study to become familiar with the relevant issues and make efforts to improve legislation in this area.
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