Study of Sociability in Behavior Settings of "Mosques" based on the Behavior- Milieu Synomorphy (Case Study: Central Courtyard -Iwan Mosques in Qazvin)
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
Mahsa Mirsalami
Ali Omranipour
1 - Ph.D., Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Art, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.
Keywords: sociability, Space Syntax, Mosques, Behavior setting, Synomorph,
Abstract :
The optimal physical design of communal spaces in terms of sociability is of great importance in creating and inviting social and voluntary activities of users. The lack of the necessary qualities disrupts the behavior-milieu synomorph and consequently affects the users' sense of presence and length of stay. Mosques, as a type of communal space, form a hierarchy of behavior settings by defining various areas (from semi-private to public). In the past, mosques had served as effective behavior settings, but today, despite their physical diversity, they lack the efficiency expected from a communal space.The present study aims to study the effective components on the formation of behavior settings and, thereby sociability in mosques as an important urban place. For this purpose, based on the literature of environmental psychology, the issue of sociability and the reason for the introduction of behavior setting-related concepts in the mosque are first investigated and the effective components on the formation of these two factors are examined. Then, to analyze the behavior-milieu synomorphy of mosques and its relationship with sociability, the effect of composition of some behavioral factors, such as the need for interaction, length of stay and attendance, components, such as location, proximity of entrances, geometric center of the building, and space syntax (relationship, depth, interconnectivity, and legibility), and some dynamic physical factors are investgated. The research is performed in two steps; first, the required data are collected, events are recorded and the lists of behaviors are prepared. Moreover, in addition to qualitative data, the behavior settings in the three four-iwan mosques in Qazvin city are identified and the weight of effective components in mosques including comprehensive patterns of behavior, and the behavior-milieu synomorph are extracted.In the next step, using Depthmap10 software and the space syntax theory, the role of space syntax indicators on the behavior settings in mosques and their sociability are investigated quantitatively. Since it is not possible to answer the research questions only using space syntax, in the following data analysis, correlation analysis is performed to find the significant correlation between the variables affecting sociability using Amos 22 software. The results show that the sociability of the public space is possibleacheived with the proper synomorphy and combination of physical-structural and behavioral-social factors, i.e. behavior-milieu synomorphy.