Conservation and Reconstruction of Industrial Heritage Potentials (Study Sample: Karaj Steel Plant)
Subject Areas : Life Space Journal
shirin sotodeh
Vahid Ghobadian
Mohammad Javad Mahdavi Nejad
1 - PhD student department of architecture of central Tehran branch of Islamic Azad university Iran Tehran
2 - Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University; Tehran; Iran
Keywords: Industry, recreation, Conservation, industrial heritage, industrial architecture,
Abstract :
Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, Iran, relying on its rich history in the field of art, industry, and trade has put the construction of industrial factories throughout Iran on the agenda and in every city and gift, and often according to the common industry in that region. Industrial architecture is one of the important branches and sources of modern architecture. Strives to build one or more chain factories with the capital of the city's elders and businessmen and to attract the participation and capital of the people. In other words, in an action based on community-based participation, the face and landscape of the city were suddenly changed, and factories were accepted as manifestations of modernism and signs of the new age, along with other urban elements. Unfortunately, after the end of the activities of these industrial institutions and their departure from the city, and the abandonment of factories, many of them were destroyed due to a lack of real knowledge of officials and people of the values hidden in this building and lack of attention of responsible experts and specialists. The process that continues and even their inclusion in the list of national monuments has not been very fruitful and can not be considered an obstacle to prevent their destruction. In this regard, in this study, to be able to properly protect and recreate this heritage, to identify the appropriate approach to the protection of this heritage based on the review of approved documents, and also to recognize and understand the tangible and intangible values of this heritage by grounded theory. Was on the agenda. A method based on and extracting data that has been collected and analyzed regularly during the study of scientific sources. Thus, the result of this integrated protection and regeneration that takes place in the light of attention to culture, considering the category of public awareness of the values of this heritage, as an important matter, integrated protection and recreation of this heritage in the shadow of conscious communities. Will play an important role in its continuation.Explaining this, it should be noted that the industrial heritage, especially the factories that are located in the central part of cities today, after the completion of industrialization and turning them into large forgotten areas inside or around historic cities, from the perspective of people and residents, physical places. And an abandoned and polluted function, spaces for committing all kinds of crimes and offenses, and generally devoid of any inherited values. At first glance, these areas are considered unbearable financial ones, even from the point of view of the executive and political powers. This negative view of the audience and the subsequent cases such as the impossibility of visiting this building and consequently the unfamiliarity of the people with different values of this building deprive the people of a sense of attachment and emotion to this building which is one of the most important reasons for protecting industrial works. In this regard, one of the first protection strategies regarding industrial heritage is to eliminate the negative attitude towards them. The endangerment of industrial heritage is also due to this negative mentality and the problems of the economic structure of the old industrial areas; It should be noted, however, that this legacy can be reminiscent of a pioneering spirit, traditions, and the power of innovation, and can be effective in improving public perceptions and creating a positive image, but so far little use has been made of this industrial heritage potential.In such circumstances, the legacy of industrial society can be saved. The first is to make a relentless effort to preserve this heritage in the collective memory of post-industrial generations. This should be done by understanding the value of this heritage after their disability; In meantime, motivating the feeling and strengthening the sense of pride and sense of responsibility for the protection of industrial heritage, both for the audience and for the officials, will be very effective in preserving the values of industrial heritage. Second, to incorporate this heritage into the daily lives, work, and other cultural or service needs of the residents, using the imagination, initiative, and innovation that we will address in the relevant section.