Cities and the Reasons for their use in Naser Khosrow’s Poetry
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
Arezoo Banisharif Dehkordi
Hossein Khosravi
Asghar Rezapourian
1 - PhD Candidate of Persian Language and literature
Islamic Azad University, Shahre Kord Branch
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and literature
Islamic Azad University, Shahre Kord Branch
3 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and literature
Islamic Azad University, Shahre Kord Branch
Abstract :
Aboo Moeen Hamid Al. din Naser ebne Khosrow was born in Ghobadian of Balkh in 394 (lunar hegira). He passed away in Yamgan of Badakhshan in 487(lunar hegira). His in herent talent and truth-seeking desire guided him to understand truths and secrets. He resolves to leave his working on the poetical works and hometown in 437 (lunar hegira). During 7 years he had a long and dangerous trip and travelled He wrote a valuable itinerary fullof geographical historical and social information with simple and eloquent explanation and attractive description. This itinerary was the result of his sharp-sightedness curiosity accuracy and reflection. Based on it richness of Persian language left as a memorial. this great poet has described the same geographical information in his poetical works that is reflection of the time of this poet. The usages that the poet has had from the names of these cities are very interesting. the poet has enjoyed the names of these cities for beliefs vagrancies propagandizing of his religion peremptory and wordy matters or in the light of imagery. He left Khorasan because of its ignorant juris consults philosophers scholars and hypocrisy. He went to a small valley. He has pitied Khorasan and assumed the stone and soil of Yamgan more valuable than garnet of Badakhshan or musk of tatar. Therefore, considering the usage reasons of names of these cities for better decoding of this treasure of wisdom and faith is very effective. Therefore, we tried to proceed considering cities and reasons of their usage in poetical works of this great poet in Persian literature.
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