A Comparative Study of the Usage of Pierce Semiotic Patterns in the Poetry of Nīmā and Eliot
Subject Areas : criticism
Naser Maleki
Mohammad Irani
1 - English Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 - Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: semiotic, Eliot, Picture Creation, Nīmā, Pierce, Objectivity,
Abstract :
A great number of poetic creations originate from hidden and creative common pictures. The poet through novel combination of two elements or by placing an object in a new situation and condition attains artistic creativity, and thereafter obtains a system of signs. In such a relation, the created elements are no more new, as they have found the new existence, and each exists in union with the other. Prior to this poetic creation, these two separated elements have had a natural existence; however, this new and different combination makes them to rely on each other’s existential relation. Hence, there is a psycho – spiritual connection between them, which makes them immortal. In Pierce’s semiotics, such condition comes to the fore by Icons, Indexical and symbolic signs. Considering this in mind, it seems that Eliot and Nīmā have also used these signs in their poetic vocations; hence, this article attempts to make a study of Pierce’s semiotics in the poetry of Eliot and Nīmā Yushij.